A House Isn't a Home Without You [Dadrry]

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They're both still in love and a traumatic experience is what brings them back together.

Warnings: mentions and themes of stillbirth/miscarriage, please do not read if those things are triggering to you <3

WC: 3.4k


Harry pulls up in his driveway—his old driveway. Gracie blabbers to herself in the backseat, chubby hands clapping together as she gurgles a little laugh. Harry watches her through the rear view mirror with a smile before turning to Leo, who sits in the passenger's seat.

Gracie is the spitting image of Y/N—no questions asked. The only thing she got from Harry was his curls. Leo? Harry's double. He has Y/N's eyes, sure, but he is his father's son.

"Alright, let's go see Mum!" Harry exclaims in the most excited tone he can, but it pains him so fucking much to know he'll have to face her again. He thought it'd get easier over time, but it never does.

"Mumma," Gracie squeaks from the backseat and Harry smiles at her sweetly. "Yeah, baby. Go see Mumma." Gracie kicks her little legs and claps her hands. Though she is a complete Daddy's girl, she's a sucker for her Mum.

"Are you still coming to my game on Wednesday?" Leo asks his Dad, the seven-year-old eager to show Harry how much he's been practising for the baseball game this week.

Harry nods and ruffles the boy's hair. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, bud. Now, get your stuff while I get Gracie out of the car." He kills the engine and unlocks the door, getting Gracie out of her seat and holding her on his hip.

She giggles and peppers sloppy kisses to Harry's cheek, little fingers playing with his dark curls and he helps his son get their overnight bags out of the trunk.

Leo races for the front door and bolts through it, making his presence known. Harry shortly follows, taking deep breaths. It's been seven months and it's still so fucking hard. It shouldn't be this hard.

"Hi, baby!" Y/N calls out, racing for her little boy and scooping him up in her arms. Leo wraps his arms around his mothers neck before she lowers him back to the ground and ruffles his brown locks.

"Hope you've been good for Dad." She sas, hesitantly looking at Harry who still looks just as nervous as she does.

Gracie kicks up a fuss at the lack of attention she's receiving from Y/N, and she takes her from Harry's arms, cuddling her into her chest and she coos.

Harry swallows back his nerves or whatever the fuck it is that's threatening to spew out of him. "She was walking around with her little walker and tripped. She bruised her knee a little but she's okay," Harry tells her.

You hum and kiss the eleven-month-olds head, setting her down on the floor and she rushes off, crawling for her toys that she didn't take with her to Harry's.

"Leo's got that game on Wednesday at the school," Y/N reminds him, but Harry waves his hand with a little smile.

"Yeah, I'll be there, don't worry." He assures her and she nods her head, swaying back and forth on the balls of her feet.

Harry drinks her in for a moment. Y/N's only wearing a burgundy sweater and black jeans but God, does she look good. Harry struggles to not compliment her, to not kiss her or hug her. And it's so fucking hard.

So, instead, he asks something that will hurt him even more. "So how was your date?"

Y/N freezes, spluttering that she doesn't know what he's talking about but Harry laughs. "Leo told me. Said he heard you on the phone." He explains.

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