What's Under the Other Potato Sake

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Hanji took the potato sake off of Eren,  "If u wanted me for exsperimenting, u could ask"

Eren said rolling his eyes, Hanji giggles and answered "i thought would be more funner to kidnap u and exsperiment on without u knowing" evil laugh.

Hanji sets her hand out and said "now the....." she pauses and looks at Erwin fast "Erwin where's my stuff!" Erwin looks up and shrugs his shoulders.

Hanji crosses her arms and said "fine i'll find it, you just keep an eye on the two".she exits the room.

Eren asks Erwin "whats in the other potato sake?"

as he looks at it with a clever look,

Erwin answers "umm.... i don't know"

Eren looks at him and sets his head down and waits for Hanji.

Hanji comes running in, shouting "found it, Levi had it"

Eren says "geez, i wonder why" as he closes his eyes

Hanji pokes the other potato sake and heard a Oww, Hanji giggles and takes off the potato sake and Eren sees Ciel with surprised eyes.

~~~~~~ Yay *twirls arounds* Ciel meets Eren in the Titan World, Eren is surprise cuz he nevered seen a 13 age old boy here,  :D

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