Chapter Two

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I bit my lip as I wrapped my knees with bandages, the stinging pain a constant reminder of the punishment I had endured earlier that day. Mother had been furious when I accidentally knocked over a dish while unpacking the kitchen, and she had decided that kneeling on the broken glass was the appropriate way to teach me a lesson. I didn't know how long I had knelt there, but it had been long enough for a small puddle of blood to form on the kitchen floor.

Once I had finished tending to my injuries and changed into a long-sleeved shirt to hide the fresh bruises on my arms, I quietly slipped out of my room, desperate for a respite from the oppressive atmosphere of my family's home. Mother was still seething from the broken dish incident, and I had no desire to become the target of her rage once more. Marie, as usual, was secluded in her room, her world unaffected by the turmoil that plagued mine.

The woods, with their tranquil beauty and isolation, had become my sanctuary. They held the promise of solace and a brief escape from the harsh reality of my life. Maybe today, I would find Max waiting for me, offering me the comfort and companionship I so desperately craved.

Entering the woods, I felt an immediate sense of peace. The dense canopy of trees shielded me from the outside world, allowing me to momentarily forget the pain and fear that haunted my daily existence.

I ventured deeper into the woods, my heart pounding with anticipation. Would Max be there, waiting for me in our secret spot? The mere thought of his presence brought a glimmer of hope to an otherwise bleak day.

And there he was, as if he had been waiting for me all along. Max, the gentle golden retriever, sat patiently, his tail wagging in joyful recognition when he saw me. It was as though he could sense that I needed his company today, and for that, I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey there, Max," I whispered, lowering myself to the ground to pet him. His fur was soft and warm beneath my trembling fingers, a comforting touch that momentarily eased the ache in my knees. "I needed this today."

Max leaned into my hand, his brown eyes filled with understanding—or at least it felt that way. Perhaps animals were more attuned to human emotions than we gave them credit for. In Max's presence, I could share my thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

As the minutes stretched into an hour, I continued to pet Max and talked to him about my day, my dreams, and my fears. He was the perfect listener, offering silent support with every nuzzle and wag of his tail. It was as if the weight of my troubles was momentarily lifted.

The sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the woods. Reluctantly, I got to my feet, knowing I had to return home before darkness fell. "I have to go, Max," I said softly, scratching behind his ears. "But I'll be back. You're my secret friend, alright?"

Max responded with a happy bark, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "You're a good boy, Max."

Turning away from my newfound friend, I made my way back towards the edge of the woods. As I stepped out into the open, the reality of my family's home loomed large, and I braced myself for what awaited me there.

Little did I know that Max and his owner would soon become a significant part of my life, bringing both challenges and unexpected support. But for now, as I walked back to my family's house, I held onto the memory of that peaceful moment in the woods, where I had found solace and a glimmer of hope in the form of a loyal golden retriever named Max.

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