Chapter 13 - Heat

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As the days passed, Yoongi's pre-heat symptoms gradually subsided... Seokjin continued to care for him with unwavering dedication, making sure Yoongi had everything he needed... He prepared soothing herbal teas, brought warm blankets, and stayed by the younger male's side, offering comfort and companionship... The rain outside had finally stopped, and the sun began to shine through the windows of their cozy apartment... It was a welcome change from the gloomy, rainy night when the original alpha had fallen ill... With the fever gone, Yoongi's strength slowly returned, and he was able to sit up and talk without wincing in pain...

The real Omega watched Yoongi with a gentle smile, relieved to see his husband recovering... "Feeling better today?" he asked, placing a tray with a light meal on the younger male's lap... Yoongi nodded, his eyes still carrying a hint of exhaustion... "Yeah... much better, thanks to you, Jinnie..." He took a small bite of the meal, savoring the taste... the older male's cooking always had a way of making him feel better...

Seokjin's heart warmed at the nickname... "You're welcome, Yoongi..." He reached over and brushed a strand of hair from the younger male's forehead... "I am just glad you are feeling better... You made me worried there..." Yoongi's gaze softened as he looked at the older male... "I am sorry for everything, Jinnie... I shouldn't have been so... distant..." He struggled to find the right words... "I promise, I will be there for you during your heat from now on..."

Seokjin's smile widened, and he leaned in to kiss the alpha's forehead... "I appreciate that, Yoongi... But remember, we are in this together... We support each other, no matter what..." Their moment of reconciliation was interrupted by the ringing of Yoongi's phone on the bedside table... He reached for it and saw a message from their beloved Namjoon...

"It's Joonie" Yoongi said, reading the message... "He wants to check on me... I mean technically 'you' and see how you are doing..." Seokjin nodded... "You should reply and let him know you are feeling better... We could use some company..." As Yoongi typed out a response, Seokjin couldn't help but feel a sense of relief... It seemed like their bond had grown even stronger through this challenging experience... He knew that their relationship hadn't been perfect, but they were learning to communicate and support each other better...

A short while later, Namjoon arrived at their apartment with a cheerful smile... He brought a basket of fresh fruits and some magazines to help Yoongi pass the time... They chatted about various things, from music to their favorite TV shows, and Joon's presence lifted the atmosphere in the room... Seokjin couldn't help but admire how effortlessly his baby brother made Yoongi laugh... It was a reminder of the importance of a brother who understood the challenges of being an omega... He shared stories of his own heats when Seokjin wasn't around, the embarrassing moments, and the times they'd leaned on each other for support...

As the afternoon turned into evening, Namjoon eventually had to leave, but he promised to check in on them again soon... Before he left, he turned to Seokjin with a knowing look... "Take good care of him, Yoongi hyung..." he said... "And remember, you can always ask for help if you need it... even if we are not on great terms... I still love my brother a lot..." Seokjin nodded gratefully... "I will, Joonie... Thank you..."

Once Namjoon had left, Seokjin returned to Yoongi's side... They both settled on the couch, Yoongi resting his head on Seokjin's shoulder... It felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders, and they could finally relax...

Next day, Yoongi's heat approached, but they faced it together... Seokjin had prepared a cozy nest in their bedroom, complete with soft blankets and pillows... He had also stocked up on heat relief medications and soothing teas, just in case... The older male was right there by his side, holding his hand and offering words of comfort... They spent their time cuddled together, sharing stories and laughter, and even shedding a few tears... It was a challenging experience, but it only brought them closer...

As they lay together in their nest, tangled in each other's arms, they knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle they could face... Their unbreakable bond had weathered the storm, and it would continue to do so, no matter what the future held... The days of Yoongi's heat passed by in a whirlwind of emotions and intimacy... Seokjin stayed true to his promise, never leaving the real alpha's side... He knew when to offer comfort and when to give him space, and he did it all with unwavering patience and love...

Seokjin marveled at how much closer they had become during this time... They shared their deepest fears and desires, strengthening their emotional connection... It was as if the barriers they had built around themselves had crumbled away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered love they had for each other... One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Seokjin and Yoongi lay in each other's arms, their bodies still tingling from their latest bout of intimacy... Yoongi traced lazy circles on the older male's back, his fingers light and soothing...

"You know," Seokjin began, his voice filled with a soft tenderness... "I never thought I'd feel this close to you... ever again..." Yoongi looked up at him, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment... "I know what you mean, Jinnie... We have been through so much, and it's made us stronger..." the older male nodded...

"I think... 

we should give our wedding another chance..."

*No proofread*

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