[Chapter #3: A tiny break from work..]

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[WARNING: This part has making out and some dirty things in it, if you get easily uncomfortable by this, please skip part.]

In The Morning...

Leo woke up and snuggled closer into Jason. He really hated the mornings.
*I am hungry though..* He thought.
Jason was sound asleep, Leo tried his best to quietly slip out without waking him, but when Leo tried to move away Jason's grip tightened around his waist as Jason snuggled closer into the crook of Leo's neck.
Leo blushed,
*Is he awake now? Maybe I just moved to quickly...*
He tried going slower this time, trying to slip away, but once again, Jason grabbed him and pulled him closer all over again.
"Jasseee~" Leo grumbled.
"I'm hungryy, let me goo!!" He pouted, this time, he pushed away from Jason and tried to wiggle free, but Jason just pulled him closer everytime and tightened his grip.
"Ughhh..mm.." Jason groaned, clearly upset.
"Jasonnn!!" Leo said, a bit louder.
"Noo..." Jason replied, cuddling closer.
"You can eat later.." He grumbled.
"You stupid sleepy head. You can stay in bed all you want, but let me goo!!" Leo said, trying to push away once more but failing miserable.
"No." Jason said, more stern and audible.

There was a silent pause for a moment.

"Pleasee~" Leo started to beg.
"Noo!!" Jason said.
Leo pouted.
*How do I get a stupid, grumpy, tired Son of Jupiter off of me?*
Leo thought for a moment.
Then, he accepted defeat. He wrapped his hands around Jason and cuddled closer.
Leo gave Jason a small kiss.
"I love you Jase~" Leo said.
"Flirting isn't gonna get you out of this Leo." Jason said.
Leo pouted. Plan A was a fail.
He tried to wiggle out again, knowing he was gonna fail, but then he got out. There was no more sturdy hands wrapped around him. He immediately sat up, he looked next to him. Jason was sitting up and yawning while rubbing one of his eyes.
"Have you decided you were hungry too?" Leo said.
"Nope." Jason replied.

Leo paused for a small moment.

"Then..what are you doing up? Are you gonna lay back down?" Leo said.
"Noo.." Jason grumbled, he suddenly grabbed Leo again, Leo immediately tried to jump back, but Jason's grip was tight around his waist once more.
Leo groaned,
"Ughhh, Jason!! Let me go!!"
"Nope. We're taking a small...break~" He said. Leo was confused,
*A break?*
But he didn't have time to ask what he mean't, because suddenly Jason's soft lips were on his. Jason layed Leo down back on the bed and towered on top of him. He broke the kiss, and Leo panted for breath, but he didn't have that much time to recollect himself because Jason kissed him again, he started slowly sliding his hands up Leo's shirt, his hands exploring Leo's chest and back, up and down, Leo blushed, he started to try to push Jason off, but Jason grabbed his hands and pinned him down.
He continued to move his hand through Leo's shirt, and continued to kiss him over and over again. Leo was panting for breath, he couldn't help letting out a couple moans every once in awhile.
Jason started to travel lower, he slid his hand in Leo's pants and gripped his thigh. Leo stretched his leg, trying to get Jason's hand off, but that just gave him more access to his leg. He pulled Leo's leg moving him closer, he stopped kissing Leo, and started kissing his waist. Leo took this as a small chance to try and get him to stop,
"Nghh~.. Jase!!" Leo tried talking but it was hard to form words when there was someone moving their hand up and down you're leg and kissing you're waist while slowly going lower.
"Jase stopp!!~" Leo said, he started to kick Jason, but Jason just put more weight on top of him. Leo's heart skipped one million beats when he felt Jason slipping his pants off,
"Jase!!" Leo said, he started to wiggle, making it harder for Jason. Clearly Jason was mad at this, because he squeezed Leo's leg harder trying to get him to stop moving.
Suddenly an alarm went off. Jason's loosened his grip, and set Leo's hand free.
Leo immediately sat up, adjusting his pants while Jason turned off the alarm. He cursed silently in Latin.
He got up and grabbed some clothes, heading into the bathroom.
Leo was in the room sitting on Jason's bed alone.
The bed was messy, most of the pillows kicked off, the blanket slowly slipping off, and Leo's shirt was wrinkled, he stood up and adjusted it. He decided he might as well make the bed too.
After he made the bed, He felt arms wrap around tightly around his waist.
"Jase~" Leo said.
"I've got to go talk to Reyna about stupid camp adjustments for this week." Jason whispered in his ear.
"Ok.." Leo said.
Jason gently kissed his neck,
"I love you~"
"I love you too~" Leo said, turning around and hugging Jason back.
Then Jason headed out and left.
Leo stayed inside. He decided he should build something, he spent an hour or two building some sort of catapult contraption. When Jason got back, he complimented his work.
"I wanted to show you something and take you out~" Jason continued.
"Ok~" Leo said, getting dressed and ready.
Then Jason and Leo headed out.
They headed out and settled under a neat tree, a picnic was set up by Jason. They watched the stars together. Jason was snuggling close with Leo. Leo was snuggling back. He enjoyed Jason's company.
Leo thought about how much he loved Jason.
His soft blonde hair, his electrifying blue eyes, his smile with the small cut on his lip, the smell of his clothes, the comfort of him being next to him. Everything about him was so attractive and amazing. He loved how Jason always flirted back, he loved the feeling he gave him, like Jason was the only man in the world that made Leo's stomach turn. Leo loved his voice, his compliments, he loved him.
Oh gosh..he loved him so much.

He cuddled closer to Jason, completely taking him in. Jason moved him onto his lap, they cuddled for what felt like forever, eventually, they had to head back to his cabin.
They changed into PJs, and then they just cuddled more.

He loved him.
He loved him so much.

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