Chapter 3

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< In Carly's apartment >
Freddie barges in.
" Carly!! Carly!! Are you in here?? "
Sam walks in.
" Carly!? " she turns to face Freddie. " Dude, she might not be here. "
Freddie looks at Sam over his shoulder.
" 'Not' is just a word. " he checks every room in the apartment. Sam sees a picture of Carly, her mom and her dad.
" Awh. " Freddie walks back to Sam.
" She's not here. How can she not be here?! Why isn't she here?? " as he begins to panic.
" Alright, relax. We are going to find her eventually. Let's just get back to the wedding." she turns to leave. Freddie looks at the ground.
" Fine. " and he turns trailing behind Sam but then the house phone in the living room begins to ring. They both look at the phone over their shoulders. Sam looks at Freddie while Freddie returns it. They try to stop themselves from answering but eventually give in. Sam runs to the phone, leans over the table and picks it up.
" Hello ?? Hello !? Voicemail ! "
Sam throws the phone on the couch. " Damn it !! "
" Let's just go." says Freddie as he walks towards the door and out of the apartment. Sam follows behind.
Voicemail : " Hey, It's Eric. I heard that Carly was in the hospital and just wanted to know how she was doing. "
They both run back into the apartment.
Voicemail : " Give me a call back when you get this message, please... "
They both run towards the phone. Freddie picks it up.
" Hello?! Did you say she was in the hospital? Well, which one? Okay. Thanks. "
He runs towards the door.
" She is in the hospital a few blocks away!! "
" Wait, but why?? "
" I don't know!! "
Sam runs out of the apartment.

< At the hospital >
Freddie enters the hospital and approaches the desk with Sam behind him.
" Hi, is there a Carly Shay here listed as-- "
Carly's mom walks past them crying softly. Sam taps Freddie on the shoulder and whispers "There is Carly's mom"
Freddie turns around and runs towards her mother with Sam behind.
" Ms. Shay! "
Carly's mother turns towards them and sniffs.
" Oh, Hi kids. "
" We heard Carly was in the hospital. Is she okay? What happened?? " asks Sam.
Her mother sighs.
" No, she's not. Thay son of a bitch Joseph laid hands on her. " she explains.
" Wait, Jospeh is the reason Carly is in the hospital ? "
Her mother looks down and cries.
" Yes, it's all my fault. If I had only paid attention to her. I'm just gonna go home and kill myself. " she walks to the door.
" No, wait! "
" Don't do that. "
Sam turns to Freddie.
" Uhm, I'll go try to comfort her. Carly is obviously gping to be even more devestated. I'll meet you in her room. " as Sam runs after Carly's mom.

< In the hospital room >

Freddie slowly opens the door and sticks his head in. Carly is sleeping on her side facing the wall and Freddie walks in and closes the door behind him. Carly changes her body position to the other side and opens her eyes. She sees Freddie and quickly sits up. Freddie looks at her and notices the cuts and bruises on her arms and face.
" Freddie. I.. "
" Why didn't you tell us.. ? "
" How did you get here ? "
" Answer my question . "
She lays back down on her side facing the wall.
" I don't want to talk about it . "
" Why ? What is there not to talk about ? "
" Everything ! "
" Please. I want to help you. "
Carly sits back up and looks at Freddie.
" Do you really ? "
" Yes. Your my best friend. Why didn't you tell me Joseph was laying hands on you ? "
She sighs.
" Cause.. I just felt like it was somehow my fault. Like, it was for my own good. "
Freddie sits on the bed at her feet.
" Carly. When it comes to a situation like this, it is never for your own good. "
Carly glances at Freddie.
" What did he do to you ? "
" Well.. First he slapped me, kicked me, hit me multiple times, and then he grabbed me by the necklace you gave me.."
He slightly touches the red mark on her neck done by the pulling of the necklace.
" He smashed me against the wall and watched me break down into pieces. He called me worthless and useless and told me I don't deserve love. " she says while breaking down into tears. He wraps his arms around her and lets her rest her head on his shoulder.
" Carly.. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. If only I hadn't have given you that necklace. "
" No, Freddie. It's not your fault. If only he wasn't such an arsehole in the first place, I wouldn't be here."
He looks at the mark on her neck.
" But, it looks pretty bad. "
" I'll live. If I don't the doctors will fix me. So, don't worry. "
He smirks and wipes her tears with his thumb.
" Your a strong girl. You know that ? "
" Well, you gotta be strong in life, right ? "

Word count: 839 words.
This chapter made me sad.

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