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Harry looked up startled, to see the face of an extremely mangy, black dog. He couldn't exactly pinpoint the breed but he smiled a toothy grin at the dog and patted the ground next to him, beckoning it to sit down.

Despite his bad experiences with dogs, Harry was inexplicably rather fond of them and was quite happy when his new furry companion snuggled under his arm. The next few minutes were spent in silence, both of them taking comfort in the other.

For Harry this shared warmth gave him hope and a peace he hadn't felt in over a decade, in fact the nostalgia was slightly unnerving but in favour of the moment, He ignored it. Harry's book, the one he had been absorbed in just minutes ago lay forgotten on the dew covered grass. 

Eventually, they moved, Harry to his first lesson and Snuffles - as Harry now referred to him- back into the forest, but they had both agreed to meet the next morning, the feeling of comfort too great to not experience again


Harry was confused.

Divination was a joke he knew that, everyone knew that. Even Hermione had now given up the class and yet, as soon as professor Trelawney had read his tea leaves he had felt warning bells go off in his head. Even the hairs on his arms had stood up as a chill snaked its way through him.

Even worse, the symbol of his death was something he already knew, Snuffles and it had put him on edge. Harry thought he was probably just overreacting but he decided he would increase his studying, he needs to be prepared, he can't die yet.


Care of Magical creatures was amazing, despite the slow start to the lesson and Hagrid's obvious nervousness. First of all Harry had flown on Buckbeak and frankly he had never felt better.

They had soared high above the grounds and when they finally dove down, it was exhilarating and more liberating than even flying on his broom. The views were beautiful and far beyond even the beautiful sunrise he had seen that morning.

To make the lesson even better, Malfoy, the foul git, had been put in his place. Harry thought it was hilarious if he was honest and a vindictive part of him hoped the injury left a scar to remind Draco to respect people.


Authors note:

Sorry the chapter took so long, its more filler until the exciting stuff. But i just realised that I started this story cause of a meme I saw and I still haven't gotten to the point in the story where I can write it. Also sorry if its not as good, wasn't very motivated.

As always have a wonderful day and also happy new year <3

Question of the day:

Favourite TV show?

(Very difficult but probably... the mandolorian)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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