The Arrival

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Harry, unsurprisingly, was well accustomed with gossip, he had dealt with it all of his short life. From his teachers thinking he was a no-good troubled youth, to his closest friends thinking he was the heir of Slytherin and abandoning him...

It was why he could tell something was going on. He was minding his own business (a sign something was going to go wrong), eating treacle flavoured flavoured ice cream at Florean Fortesque's, having decided he needed a break from reading because he was apparently turning into Hermione. Somehow his attempt at a peaceful afternoon had failed spectacularly. He could feel their glares burning into his back from here.

In all fairness, Death-chosen-scales -or Thanatos, as Harry had taken to calling him- was nestled around his shoulders, his face tucked into the crook of Harry's neck, nuzzling into his warmth, and the general wizarding public tended to think snakes and anything related were pure evil. Not much Harry could do about that though, he certainly wasn't going to leave Thanatos behind.


Harry's wand was currently looking a bit worse for wear but he'd run out of polish so with great reluctance he dragged himself out of bed, dressed himself and pottered over to Ollivander's. On the way there, his thoughts drifted over to their first meeting and a violent shudder racked over his body, he could feel those pale eyes boring into his own, searching his soul. Definitely not a pleasant experience.


Harry was climbing the stairs to his room, nose buried in a book, something that had become a common site as of recently, when a voice caught his attention, it was familiarly high pitched and possibly nagging someone. Hermione.

Harry dropped the book at the top of the stairs and rushed down them, only to be stood still, caught like a deer in headlights once he reached the bottom.

Hermione was there like he had expected, but surrounded by the Weasleys, he probably wasn't wanted here then. A downtrodden expression on his face, Harry turned to leave, only to be engulfed by a pair of arms.

He breathed in the smell of old parchment and fresh mint, relishing in the contact he had missed this summer without his friends present. Hermione looked at him concerned when she saw his expression and began questioning him until it slowly morphed into his 'usual' lopsided grin.

When he turned to the rest of the Weasleys, he greeted Ron with a sharp nod before he was scooped up into Mrs Weasley's arms and greeted cheerfully by Mr Weasley and Ron's siblings. It was a familiar scene, Percy scolding him for running down the stair saying how it was 'dangerous' -if only he knew-, Fred and George smiling, mischief twinkling in their eyes and Ginny nervously looking around, eyes flitting from one thing to another, bashfully avoiding his gaze. 

Ron might not like him or want to send letters, but they did and that thought filled him with sadness and guilt, just a few days ago he'd been thinking they didn't want him but they'd come back, they must want him, right.

Authors note:

Hope you all enjoy this chapter, Harry is having some abandonment issues with Ron but they'll talk it out... eventually.

Make sure you have something to eat and drink <3

Question of the day:

A deep one today lol;

 If you could ensure your family and loved ones could live safely and comfortably for the rest of their lives, but you had to die for it to happen would you do it?

(I probably would cause knowing they'd be safe would make me happy enough to accept it<3)

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