When the sky rained swords

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A Viking village once stood in this forest, the same forest where it happened. A cursed sword fell from the heavens and pieced through the ground like a falling star. The sword wasn't the only thing that fell from the sky that night a young boy with wings fell shortly after.  That night was beautiful, the sky was full of stars and the pine trees waved in the night's wind. Those were just years ago before the storm, right after the gods themselves separated for more than a million years to come.  

                                                    Million years ago, after that night.                                                                                                   

A young Viking named Benny was running around this cottage with books that filled his hands, and a calico cat followed him around.  The cottage was full of books, an old sword that led by the wall, a fireplace ith a flame that was dying out, and a wooded table that was covered with papers. He placed the books in a rush as his cat meowed at him. "This is going to be great! Just need the boat that's all!"  said Benny as he bent over to the table and his cat jumped up the table and meowed at him. He placed a map and drew a line from his village to the land of the centaurs.  "Ch-Lola we'll going to go here and oh, maybe to the land of the fairies or wait the elves! What do you think?"  asked Benny with excitement as Ch-Lola meowed at him and then lay right by the map.  Benny tilted his head in annoyance at his cat just sleeping instead of listening to more of his plans.  "You know, you're my only friend, right?" he said with an annoyed voice as he stopped to overhear a lot of talking right outside his cottage. Benny turned his head and ran towards the window only to see a crowd of people from his village all talking to his father who looked hurt. Benny took off running out the door and into the crowds of Vikings to see his father who was being helped to stand up by his mother. Benny cried for his father as he moved through the crowd of Vikings, only to see his father with a new scar on his arm that looked scary. It lends from his face and down to his hand, it looked terrifying to even look at it. Benny had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes that looked just like Blue-sky; he also wore a red shirt with normal black trousers which Vikings always wore at the time. Benny's father had brown hair and blue eyes, and his mother had strawberry-blonde hair and green eyes. "Benny?" asked his father as he moved his eyes through the crowd searching for his son's face. "What did you see, Arthur? " Asked the village chief as he looked into Benny's dad's eyes worried about him which was hard to believe because the village chief Ox was a 6-foot Viking with a long beard that was brained, and he had more muscles, more beefy than any other Viking. Ox was rude to Benny most days and had little patience for him. Benny watched his father's movements as the scariest Viking of the whole village asked that question. "I was just hunting until I saw the bloody creature. It was nor man or bird, it had a sword, and it waved its sword mad-like. I managed to attack it with my axe but, somehow it broke my axe and ran to the depths of the forest once it came from. " Said Arthur as he looked full of fear, which worried Benny about his father. "You better get some rest there and woman tend to his wounds."  said Ox as he moved his cold eyes to Benny's mother. Benny's mother nodded her head and took Benny's dad to their home, the very home Benny moved out of just one year ago. Benny could not believe that happened he stood there in shock while Ox was talking about hunting down the monster who harmed Benny's father. Benny put on a serious face and walked through the crowd ready to fight the monster, he felt brave while walking through the crowd like a true Viking. "I'll go after the beast! I will do it and bring you its wings!" Benny yelled as he faced the chief. Ox laughed at Benny which was unusual because Ox never laughed unless it was somebody talking about leaving the village. Ox looked down at Benny with a mean stare and grabbed Benny by the shoulder.  "You can't you're just a boy.  You won't know what you're doing, now then go look in your bloody books, and see if it tells you how to be a real Viking."   Benny looked right back at him and moved his hand up to grab ox's arm. He looked into ox's eyes and let go of him.  Calming down thinking of saving his revenge for the monster, he looks away while Ox pushes him away, leaving with the other Vikings. Benny started to run away from the area and by his parent's old house. He opened the old wooden door and then stopped himself hearing crying of pain soft but, nearly screaming for a couple of minutes. Then silence once more, he heard his father's axe getting picked up well more like dragged across the floor. He opened the door slowly to see his father trying to get out of bed with his mother trying to get him to stay in bed. His mom looked over at Benny with an upset face, "Please give me some cold water. Your father is burning up."  said his mom as Benny quickly ran into the kitchen and pulled out a brown rag from his pocket. "What's going on with father?" asked Benny while he got it wet with sink water.  "Your father acts up when he has fevers. He's a bit childish." answered Benny's mom as Benny gave her the wet rag. "I do not!" yelled Arthur, waving his arms around like a crazy person. She put the rag on his head and then Arthur calmed down only to lay down peacefully in bed. Benny watched his mom roll her eyes probably thinking his dad is a big fat baby. She sat down with a big sigh as she sat down on the bed, benny walked away to look at a picture of his parents before they had him, and the funny thing was they still looked just the same.  "If you're thinking about the monster."  began Arthur while Benny slowly turned his head to look at his parents. "I'm not." answered Benny while holding his left hand. "You better not be. Going after it will only bring trouble or worse."  spoke Arthur as Benny walked towards the door with a bit of phantom in his eyes. Benny opened the door and then paused for a short while. Then he walked out the door seeing the sunset through the trees, the wind blew through the grass like the grass itself was singing. He decides to go for a walk to calm himself down, and without knowing it piece green eyes follow him in the shadows. The sky turned darker like a deep ocean blue that threw up stars just because it ate too many sprinkles. Walking into the forest it got darker and a crow cawed from an old pine tree. The grass was black as a raven's feathers, looking around Benny felt safe and warm even though it was too cold out. He looked up at the sky closing his eyes remembering a distinct memory of him running through the forest with Ch-Lola. How blue was the sky that day and the echos of laughter, oh he made those were the days.  CRACK! All of a sudden Benny tripped on something and rolled down the hill. Benny lay there seeing killer green eyes moving closer and closer to him. He was about to scream when he heard it was a meow from his cat.  "STUPID CAT!!!" yelled Benny as he tried to push off Ch-Lola from his stomach but of course, she wouldn't move.  She hissed at him with a piercing glare, benny rolled his eyes wanting to just knock her off of him. Sounds of steps moved close to them like one of the Vikings or his mother was out looking for him. "Please get off of me." said Benny as he led his head up at Ch-Lola, but she didn't move and still hissed."Please I won't call you a stupid cat. Please get off of me?" asked Benny with a nice tone, so she gets off of him and he stands up to have a look around.  It started to rain like a blue goldfish was falling from the sky, he hummed a song. "Hum hum, hum hum hum. Hum hum hum."   He waved his head around and then next his arms like a crazy person. As he danced around he kicked through some rain puddles which ch-lola being a cat most people would think she would hate water but, she enjoyed dancing around in the rain. He ran ahead spinning around in circles like a pretty ballerina. All of a sudden he blacked out feeling his body smashed into a tree.  He felt his body shake with the rainwater drip down his hair, a metal almost like steal kissed his neck just feeling it he knew it was a blade. Opening his eyes he sees a blinding purple light that felt like flames on his body. He looked up to see the person holding the sword only to see a kid like him but, kinda taller than him.  It was a boy like him so it seemed he had gray feathers as ears that were poking out of his raven black hair and purple eyes that glowed along with the sword. It was too quiet like the type you know you're in trouble type, it was too dark except for the purple light from the sword lighting up the tree like a weird kind of Christmas tree.

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