Keep moving on

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(A/N) OMG you guys!!!!!!!!! 100 likes! Thank you so much you all are the best! It means so much to me that you guys are enjoying my book! Also I started writing another Doctor who fanfic called The Song that Never Ends. Please check it out if your interested and remember to comment and vote!:)



Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you didn't make a certain decision? Such as what would have happened if I chose the other option I was given? Or would things have changed or stayed the same if I did? Well that's kind of what's running through my mind right now. But the question being what could I have done?

Well as I stand in my TARDIS with my hands resting on the console all I can feel is guilt.

You see, Jex died.

Ok that's a blunt way to put it.

In other words he basically sacrificed himself so the gunslinger wouldn't follow him to other civilizations and ruin their lives as well. In the end he died in an honorable way despite what he did but I some what feel responsible for his demise. I'm the type of person who strive to do better and help in any way possible. However in this situation I failed. I failed on protecting Jex. I failed Isaac's dying wish. it was basically a day for faiulaires.

The Doctor told me it wasn't our fault but I could tell he was just saying that to convince himself.

In the end, Jex died and I treated him like crap. sure, I protected him a couple of times from the towns people but that was only because I was doing it for Isaac, not him.

I inhale a deep breath and flip a switch which causes all of the buttons to light up so I can start piloting to my next destination.

I'm just going to have to find a way to distract myself from the guilt. that's what the Doctor does so why can't I?

I start running around the Console, flipping switches and knobs as I go. all I can do now is to move forward and never look back.

The Last of Her Kind (Doctor Who Fanfiction)*ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now