A Town Called Mercy- part 2

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*(A/N) OMG YOU GUYS!!!! 1K READS! You are all friggin amazing! I would like to thank each and every one of you and especially Purplereadingwriter8 and TheOrginalTeenWolf ! Thank you all so much again!
Sage's P.O.V

"What was that outside?" The Doctor asks right when we walk inside the sheriffs station.

"The gunslinger." Isaac answers quickly as he sits on top of his desk.

"Showed up three weeks back. We've been prisoners ever since. See that borderline stretching around the town? Woke up one morning, there it was. Nothing gets past it, in or out. No supply wagons, no reinforcements. Pretty soon the whole towns going to starve to death." He explains.

"But, he let us in." Rory tells him.

"Think about it Rory, we weren't carrying anything that would benefit the towns people. If we were, it surely would have stopped us." I explain to him.

"He only gave us three more mouths to feed, we'll all die even sooner now." Isaac adds.

"What happens when someone crosses the line?" The Doctor asks. In reply Isaac grabs a Stetson that was sitting next to him and tosses it to the Doctor. He catches it and analyzes it from top to bottom.

"Ah, well, he wasn't a very good shot then." The Doctor tells us as he wiggles his finger through the bullet hole that is on the top of the hat.

"He was aiming for the hat." Isaac tells him.

"He shoots peoples hats?!" The Doctor asks with disbelief and I facepalm my forehead.

"I think it was a warning shot." Amy clears up to him.

"Ah, no. Yes. I see. Hmm.." He mumbles and I roll my eyes. The Hat is handed down the line to each person and when it gets to me I put it on.

"Well, what does he want? He's obviously doing this for a reason. I mean, no alien is just going to starve a town out of the blue." I tell Isaac with my hands on my hips.

"Says he wants us to give him "the alien Doctor." he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Oh great, What have you done this time Doctor?" I ask him accusingly.

"Me?! I haven't done anything!" he exclaims.

"But that's you. Why would he want to kill you? Unless he met you." Amy points out to him.

"And how could he know we'd be here? We didn't even know we'd be here." Rory whispers and the trio's gaze slowly falls on me.

"Oi, I didn't plan any of this either so don't look at me." I tell them with my hands up in defense.

"We were aiming for Mexico. The Doctor was taking us to see the Day of the Dead Festival." Amy explains to Isaac.

While Isaac talks to Amy, I look up to the light bulb that's hanging from the ceiling. When it flickers I smirk and look over to the Doctor who was watching me. He also smiles in return since we're probably thinking the same thing. That whoever this "Alien Doctor" is...he is in this very room right now.

"Mexico's 200 miles due South." I hear Isaac tell them as I refocus back on my surroundings.

"Well, that's what happens when people get toast crumbs on the console." The Doctor states very loudly and glares at Amy and Rory who shrugs in response.

"Anywaaaayyyyy, I think it's about time we met this 'alien Doctor' don't you agree bow tie boy?" I ask and I perch myself on the arm of a chair that was sitting in front of Isaacs desk.

"Totally, we can have a cuppa and some scones with him. Well not scones never mind scones those are rubbish Jammie Dodgers. Now those are good! But anyway back to the question, yes I would like to meet this 'alien doctor'." He finishes and I scoff.

"What?" He asks.

"Blimey, that gob of yours just won't shut will it?" I joke and the Doctor roles his eyes.

"What are you two talking about?" Isaac asks tensely.

"Well the chap outside said that he could be the 'alien Doctor'...." I start to explain as I point to the Doctor.

"But you said I wasn't so you already know who it is. Two alien Doctors. Were like buses." The Doctor chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"And that alien Doctor is probably resident 81, so beloved by the townsfolk he warranted an alteration to the sign since he rigged up these electrics." I continue.

"And were guessing he's in here, because if half of the town wanted to throw me to my death, and Sage's but that's because her temper was to much for them to handle, this is where we want to be." The Doctor finishes with a smirk.

"Oi! I don't have a temper." I tell him as I smack his chest.

"Just like your mother." He mumbles as he roles his eyes. I glare at him and walk towards a cell door that happens to be interesting to me.

"I don't know what you...." Isaac tries to argue but a voice interrupts him.

"It's all right, Isaac. I think the time for subterfuge has passed."

A man that was hiding under the bed sheets in the cell reveals himself and walks up to the barred door. He has a blue mark running down the side of his cheek and he is wearing a pair of vintage spectacles.

"Good afternoon. My name is Kahler-Jex. I'm the doctor." He tells us. Once Jex walks out of the cell the Doctor instantly goes into fan girl mode.

"The Kahler, I love the Kahler! They're one of the most ingenious races in the galaxy. Seriously, They could build a space ship out of Tupperware and moss." The Doctor gushes as he ferociously shakes the poor mans hand. I pull the Doctor to sit down on a chair in order to calm him down.

"Calm down, you'll rip his arm off!" I scold to him and I look back to Jex.

"Sorry about that. So how did you get here?" I ask Jex with an apologetic smile.

"My craft crashed about a mile or so out of town. I would have died if Isaac and the others hadn't pulled me out of the wreckage." He explains.

"And you stayed as there Doctor?" Bow tie asks with a huge grin on his face.

"On my world I was a surgeon, so it seemed logical and it gave me an opportunity to repay my debt to them." Jex tells us and Isaac scoffs.

"Listen to him, talking like it was nothing. Tell 'em about the Cholera." Isaac encourages and he slaps Jex's back.

"Now, Isaac, I'm sure our guests..." Jex starts but he is then interrupted.

"Two years after he arrived, there was an outbreak of Cholera. Thanks to the Doc Here, not a single person died." Isaac explains for him.

"And the electrics. That was you wasn't it?" I ask with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Yes, I'm useing my ship as a generator, I was able to rig up some rudimentary heating and lighting for the town." Jex explains.

Dang, this guy is nice.

Almost Too nice for it to be true and also for my liking. Nice people are cool but to much niceness can be annoying.

"So, why does the gunslinger want you?" The Doctor asks.

"It don't matter." Isaac interjects.

"We're just saying if we knew that..." I begin.

"America's the land of second chances. We call this town Mercy for a reason. Though....there's some round here who don't feel that way." Isaac interrupts.

All of the sudden I start to feel a bit faint. I swallow and shake my head side to side gently. I look around the room and notice it's a bit.....tight. My breathing quickens and I start to grow nauseous.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to step outside for a bit." I interrupt and I give everyone a reassuring smile. I turn around and quickly walk out the door.

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