A Town Called Mercy- part 3

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(A/N) Hello sweeties! So I want to try something different because exams are coming up soon and I won't have time to update for a while. So....If I get ten likes and three comments, I will update as soon as possible and post another chapter. If you guys have any requests, let me know and I will write it in the book. So remember, ten likes, three comments. Thanks again and enjoy:)!

Sage's P.O.V

I grip onto the wooden patio railing and let out a sigh of relief. I have always been claustrophobic ever since I can remember.

Once my breathing is back to its normal pace I let go of the wood and wipe my sweaty palms along my jeans. I sit down on an old rocking chair that was behind me and calmly rock back and fourth.

A few people that tried to sacrifice us from earlier stare at me. I pocket my sunglasses so they can see my purple eyes and glare back at them. They look the other way in embarrassment that they were caught. A triumphed smirk spreads across my lips and I start to rub the soft rim of the Stetson out of boredom.

A few minutes later the Doctor walks out of the sheriffs station and heads down the steps with Isaac and Rory following after him. I soon start to notice that Isaac is wearing Jex's clothing.

"And what are you boys up to?" I ask them with a raised eyebrow.

"Were about to unravel a clever plan that I made up. Isaac and Rory runs into the desert and distract the gunslinger while I retrieve my TARDIS so I can get everyone in the town in it and drop them off somewhere else." He explains to me quickly with his hands flapping around everywhere. I see a mischievous glint pass through his eyes but it quickly disappears.

He's up to something.

"And what happens if Isaac and Rory actually get caught by the gunslinger?" I ask. The two men look at the Doctor worriedly while the Doctors grin turns into a frown.

"Well, um... Haven't actually thought of that. I guess we just hope for the best." He tells me as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh great, so were basically targets." Rory states and he rolls his eyes. The Doctor shrugs and Rory scoffs in response.

"Well, other than that dilemma I think it's a pretty good plan." I tell them and the Doctors eyes visibly lights up.

"Well, go on then. How am I going to get to the TARDIS if you two are still here." The Doctor tells the two men. Isaac and Rory turns around and start running towards the back of the town.

"Good luck!" I shout.

"Not helping!" Rory calls over his shoulder and I giggle. I look back over to the Doctor and notice he's just staring at me.

"Um, Doctor?"

He snaps out of his daze and shakes his head. He blushes a bit and mumbles something under his breath.

"Thought I lost you there for a second." I tell him with a smirk.

"Right, yes, no, oh shutup." He tells me awkwardly. I giggle which causes him to crack a smile.

"Want to come along Tyler?" He asks with his lop sided grin.

"Mmm... I think Ill stay here. Someone needs to watch over Amy. I've also been feeling a bit under the weather lately so it's better if I stay here and don't faint on ya." I tell him. His expression quickly forms from disappointed to worried.

"Um, don't take this personally.. but how old are you?" He asks.

"Excuse me but How is this relevant." I ask defensively with my arms crossed over my chest.

The Last of Her Kind (Doctor Who Fanfiction)*ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now