Chapter one: Zoe Adams

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I stand in front of a huge stone archway which leads into my school. Portland Academy of the Arts. Several famous models, signers, actors, and other celebrities have attended this school. I take a deep breath, taking it all in. In approximately 5 minutes I will be in the same classroom as Lily O'Brien. Yes, that's right. THE Lily O'Brien. I still can't believe it. After what seems like forever, I finally gather up my courage and step into the long hallway. Oh. My. God. Everybody around me looks like they stepped right out of Vogue magazine and they all seem to have a purpose, an intent. I head towards my locker and take note of everybody's attire. Nike, Alice and Olivia, Prada, and other designer brands litter the halls. Everyone's makeup is perfect, their hair is glistening, and they all look super confident. Speakers in the halls blare "model" music, in other words, music that sounds like it would be on the runway. I feel so out of place. I feel like a giraffe in a group of wolves (and majestic wolves at that). I look at my phone screen to check my locker number. 105. I take a quick glance to my left to see what the numbers are. 43,44,45, and so on. Well, they're going up so that's good. I keep heading down the hall until I reach it. My locker. I look for a lock, but there isn't one. There is just a keypad. What in the world? I look at the welcome email that I received from the school for my first day, but there isn't anything about how to open my locker. Do I just type the code in? I try typing it in, but it flashes a red light. Oof.
"Want some help?" I turn to my right and see the one, the only, Lily O'Brien standing there. She smells like strawberry and vanilla, and her smile is super sweet.
"Uh, sure."
"Awesome! Basically, what you do is you press star, type in your code, and then press enter."
I try what she said, and it works.
"Oh, uh, Thank you."
"You're welcome! You're Zoe, right?"
"Uh, yeah. How do you know my name?"
"Oh, I'm on the school board. I heard that there was going to be a new student today, and I also heard that her name was Zoe. You were in the viral video, right?"
Right. The viral video. The one thing that got me into this school in the first place. My friend told me to sing "Reckless" by Madison Beer up on stage at a karaoke bar, and so I did. I figured I would sing the song, maybe get some applause, and then eat some mozzarella sticks and watch other people belt their hearts out. But no. I guess Zoe Adams' life was not made to be ordinary. Instead, I got standing ovations, and several people livestreamed and recorded when I was singing. The result: A viral video. With ME singing in it. About a week after the video that would change my life, I got a letter from the best arts school on the east coast. They were inviting me to apply to be a singing major for 2 years until college. I got in, so here I am.
"Uh yeah. That was me."
"I saw that one! You had amazing range. Where did you learn to sing like that?"
Wait. Lily O'Brien just complemented my range? What kind of alternate universe am I in?
"I. Uh. I did a few musicals at school, and I sing a lot at home."
"Wow. Well, allow me to be your tour guide of the school."
"Wait seriously?"
She laughs and says,
"Of course! We can't have you getting lost! Now follow me."
She walks to the end of the hall and takes a left while I trail behind her. We stop at a white door with a small window and a sign that says, "MODELING 101." There is a glowing red light above the door, and there is a girl inside posing in front of a man holding a camera.
"This is modeling 101, as I'm sure you saw. The girl inside is Veronica Pattiricci. She recently did a cover for Vogue and it is absolutely gorgeous. The red light above the door basically means that a shoot is in session and you should not enter unless you have a wardrobe change for the model."
She turns around and says,
"Oh! Here are her Vogue covers."
She grabs my hand and takes me to the other side of the hallway. There is a bulletin board and on the top it has a sign that says, 'VERONICA PATTIRICCI VOGUE COVERS 2020' Underneath, there are photos of her lounging in a tropical forest oasis donning Louis Vuitton attire. Like anybody would wear Louis Vuitton while hiking through a tropical forest, but hey, fashion is meant to be pretty, not practical. Lily turns around and exclaims,
"Oh! She's about to come out! We should say hello." I try to protest but she grabs my hand and pulls me across the hallway. In a couple moments, Veronica steps out while blowing a couple of kisses to someone in the room. She turns her head, sees Lily, smiles, and does a girl shriek.
"Ah! Lily!"
"Hello Veronica!"
They embrace and do the kisses on both cheeks thing that you see in movies.
"Oh my goodness darling, it's been so long! How are you?"
Wait, people still say darling? What year is it? 1910?
"I'm doing good, it's been way too long!"
Veronica turns towards me and asks,
"Who is this?"
Lily also turns towards me and says,
"Oh, this is our new student! Zoe Adams!"
"Wait, the viral video girl? So the rumors were true!"
I finally decide to pipe in.
"Wait, rumors? What rumors?"
"The rumors that the viral video girl was coming to our school! Anyways, welcome!"
She hugs me and then does the double cheek kiss thing. Jeez, is this a thing now?
"Veronica, it's awesome that you're being so welcoming, but I have to get her to class. See ya in Dress Design?"
"Yup! Oh! Also, Zoe, if you have any questions about anything, do not be afraid to come and talk to me. Alright, see ya!"
She walks down the hall in the opposite direction of us and Lily hooks her arm around mine.
"You know, I think that you're going to fit right in! Here's your first class."
She turns me towards a white door with a sign above it that says SCIENCE LAB: ENTER WITH CAUTION
"Enter with caution?"
"Oh, sometimes there's people in there performing large experiments, but there's usually someone standing by the door making sure that nobody walks in. As for right now though, it looks like you're clear! Anyways, I have to get to my next class, I'll come and check in around lunch, does that sound good?"
"Uh-yeah. sure."
"Alright then! See ya!"
She walks down the hall waving at people and I turn towards the door. My first class. I take a deep breath and step in.

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