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My hands knot together nervously.
"Are you sure he's there?" I ask Dan who is escorting me down the long Isle.
Dan grins, the stylish stubble on his cheeks showing now more then ever. "I've just checked. He's there. Sophie, he loves you"
I sigh. Fin proposed on my twenty second birthday and of course I said yes. It was a clever way to propose, he gave me another book, as tradition. This time it was Jane Eyre.
The message in the front of it was "this is our forever" I smiled at it before flicking through the pages as I normally do. The pages ran smoothly for a little bit before suddenly stopping.
I opened the book to the page and saw that about one hundred of the page had been glues together. The middle of the pages were cut out and inside sat a beautiful ring.
The text above the hole read 'I ask you to pass through life at my side-to be my second self, and best earthly companion'
I stared gobsmacked at the ring before looking at Fin who was already on one knee.
"This is the part where your suppose to give me to book" he muttered like there's an audience when it facts it was just us two in our beautiful London apartment.
I grinned and passed him the book. He fumbled with the ring before looking up at me.
"Let's change this love story. I'm tired of 'The Player fell for The Nerd' I would much prefer 'The Lawyer married The Teacher' the teacher likes it. But does the Lawyer. Marry me Floorgirl?"
My heart fluttered and my eyes well up. "Yes" I whisper.
Fin smiled in relief . "Thank God that would of been really awkward"
I laughed through the happy tears and Fin slides the ring onto my slim finger.
He kissed me perfectly.
But now back the the big day. My heart races and I walk over to my brides maids.
Gwen who nearly couldn't make it due to her shifts "but that's the downside to being a doctor" as she said, her beautiful we me year old girl Poppy and my cousin Bella.
"How are we all?" I ask and they all give me reasons they are okay.
"You look as white as a sheet" Gwen says, smiling. "I was the same"
Gwen married Ben last year.
I grin "I know you were"
Dan has never been the long relationship type. At the moment he's single but who knows.
Phil and Keith didn't work out. But they have remained friends and now both have new partners.
Zoe hasn't been in contact for the last five years and to tell you the truth, that's a good thing.
"Hey Soph, it's time" I stumble forwards and brush down my beautiful white dress, straighten my tiara and pull the vail over my head.
My arm fall naturally into Dans and then he church doors open.
My eyes stay focused on Fin who is sanding at the front, smiling at me. All I can say is thank heaven and earth he turned up.
Everyone stands up as I walk down the isle. All gushing about how beautiful I look and I can't help but agree. But in the end it is my wedding day. I should.
I make eye contact wi my mother, who is crying silently in the front row. "I love you" I mutter and she blows a flurry of kisses in my general direction.
I manage the walk, never tripping and soon I come into contact with Fins hand.
He lifts the vail and whispers. "Damn I'm lucky"
I blush and then turn to the priest.
The vows are said smoothly and with no hiccups.
"You may now kiss the bride"
Fin grins "At last" he mutters before dipping me and kissing me beautifully.
Wien we break apart, the church roars with applause.
"Who would of thought it" I whisper. "One little push"
Fin grins "landing on you was the best choice I ever made"
"You can't of made the choice, you were pushed"
Fin laughs softly. "I'll let you believe that"

And that's the end :(
I'm so happy I finished it! Thank you so much for reading this story and I really hope you enjoyed it be aide I loved writing it. I'm going to mark this as completed now but before I go, I would like to thank @elle_baby
They might not know it but there constant votes and comments have really boosted me so thank you so so so so much.
Be sure to

and be sure to check out my other stories.
Lots of love
Charlotte xxxxxxxxxxx

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