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Back to Sophie's PoV

I lie in bed, tears rolling freely down me cheeks. God I want Fin. I want him here with me. I want him to hold me in his strong arms and tell me everything's okay. But he's not here. He's not. Instead he's with Zoe. He's in Zoe's arms. And in her bed. And she will be with him and that breaks my heart.
When did being clever become a crime? That's the only reason Zoe hates me right? Because I'm a nerd. But what has that got to do with her? People are weird. But those people also stole the boy I love.
Then I turn to the only thing that provides comfort in these times. Books. My fingers pick up the first book on my book self.
Great Expectations.
More tears come as I turn onto the very first page.
"Here's to forever" I whisper before hugging the book to my chest and letting myself fall slowing asleep.


I pack the small basket with everying I need. Cake. Roses. Card. Book.
This books message is simply "Sophie. That's a pretty name" because that's what I said to her when we got introduced while we were both standing up.
I slip the basket on to the back of my bike and rev the engine. My helmet makes me sweat even more. It feels a little lose p. I'll sort it out tomorrow.
I'm so stupid. Why couldn't I just believe her, not a thieving little... I'm not even going to finish.
The bike starts up and I zoom away. The wind hits my body and makes me feel free.
I take the well known path to Sophie's house but soon I feel my phone vibrate. A text. It could be important. I pull over and check my phone.
You have a text from: Zoe.
Hey babe. I'm expecting you. Your over two hours late. and underneath was a picture of her in extremely revealing dress. The dress was so low cut, I swear if it got the slightest tug, all of what is left of Zoe's modestly would be thrown out the window. The dress is so short it barely reaches halfway up her bottom. Disgusting.
I write a reply
Me: Dear Zoe, why are you wearing a three year olds dress. Find someone else tonight sweetheart. I'm going to get my girl back.
Zoe: but she cheated. And I'm ready and waiting 😏😋😉
Me: ready and waiting to give me a STI
And then I pocket the phone. I look quickly at he road. Clear. I pull of the brake and race towards to road. A blinding light catches my eyes and a loud noise fills my head. I yell hopelessly and then a hard, chunk of metal Rams into my bike. Then I fall. I fall and I fall like there's no bottom. Then black. Black consumes me and then I feel nothing.


A loud buzzing wakes me from my dreamless sleep. I roll over the grab my phone.
Keith is calling

"Hello" I mutter groggily.
"Sophie, come to the hospital as quick as you can. Fins been in a accident. He's knocked out and in critical condition. Come quick!" Then the line goes dead.
I hold the phone stiffly to my ear before dropping it limply.
"Mum!" I yell finally. No answer. I race into mums room. "Mum!"
"What?" She growls.
"Mum, a Fins been in a accident. He's in critical. Please I need to go see him!" Tears fall from my eyes.
Mums eyes brighten at the sound of Fin. She really ships us. "Change quickly and meet me downstairs in two minutes"
I nod and change as she ordered.
Soon we are both sitting in the car. My phone is clutched tightly in between my two hands.
Mum drives in silence and like a maniac.
We reach the hospital in five minutes rather then the normal ten and I jump out quickly.
I see Dan standing, biting his nails at the front of the hospital. He pulls me into a tight hug when he sees me.
"What happened?" I ask when he lets me go.
"He was coming to see you. And then He crashed. The driver of the car says he didn't see him"
I stand there stunned. "No he can't of been coming to see me. He was with Zoe all night, I heard them arranging it"
Dan shakes his head. "We called Zoe. She said he never turned up. He had cake, roses, a card and a book in the bike with him. He was coming to see you"
My heart melts. Me, he still loves me.
"How is he now?"
"Out cold but stable now at least. He helmet flew off when the car hit him. He will have to sue the makers"
I nod. There's still hope.
'When was he hit?"
"About an hours ago. It was empty in here though. He got seen very quickly."
I follow Dan up the stairs and rough countless, white corridors. Soon we reach a ward.
"He's in pretty bad condition" Dan mutters as we reach the door and I nod, preparing myself for the unknown.
I push the door and walk over to the only occupied bed.
The guys are standing around him. They all smile at me as I come towards them and then they leave.
Privacy. Yeah want to give us time alone.
I glance into the bed.
Fins blonde hair is matted with dried blood. His face is covered it little cuts and bruises but on the left side, a deep wound stretching from the bottom of his eye to his temple has been stitched together.
The rest of his body seams pretty battered up as well.
Tears fall silently down my cheeks and I look upon him.
My body falls into the nearest seat and I take one of him warm hands.
The beeping films my ears and blocks out the unknown, this is the only unknown I can feel.

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