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My names Sophie Tylor. I'm a natural nerd and a genuine geek and unlike some people , I'm proud of that. I will happily spend my time reading rather then raving and studying appeals to me more then sex. Call me old fashioned but at 16, I'm still a virgin.

I'm not pretty, I'm plain with normal sized lips, normal sized eyes and dirty blonde hair. I'm small , height wise and skinny. Not perfect but not terrible.

Monday morning and after staying up to late, reading, my eyes are tired.

"Sophie!" A shrill voice that belongs to my mother calls up the stairs.

"Sophie get your arse out of bed right away young lady!". I sigh and slip out of my Harry Potter Pjs and into my school uniform. A black skirt, black tights, a green polo and a black cardigan. I then hastily thank God for uniforms because with my terrible fashion sense, I would be bullied into oblivion without it. My hands make light work of my face, rubbing it in a thin layer of foundation, mascara and lip gloss. I then sling my hair into a tight ponytail, straighten my glasses and brush my teeth before running down the stairs, yanking my grey rucksack with me.

"Bye mum!" I yell. I get a good bye back before I run to the bus stop which is a few streets away.

The bus pulls away, me sitting on the back row of it.

I pull out my books and begin reading. A few stops and a few chapters later, a gaggle of girls board the small bus. The leader, a bitch of the name Zoe Greg stops talking as soon as she sees me.

"My my my, look what the cat brought in." Her sickly sweet voice rings around the bus, making every turn to look at the unfolding scene.

The group of girls giggle.

"Em, take the book!" Zoe orders. A tall, skinny girl with terrible make up line stalks up the bus and grabs my book.

She hands it to Zoe who snorts. "Great expectations! What the hell is this?"

The girls laugh again as Zoe fingers my book. She finally stops on s page and reads out loud. "'Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces - and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper - love her, love her, love her!'"

The group laughs again.

"Crap, girls. The nerd reads crap."

I scowl at Zoe who smiles sweetly in return.

"All you can do is open text books, babe!" Zoe says.

"At least I can open something other then my legs" I reply quickly. The whole bus laughs at this. Zoe on the other hand does not find this funny. She takes s huge chunk of the pages from my book and tears them out.

"Oops, sorry!" She grins at me before throwing the pages onto the floor of the bus and sitting down.

I spend the rest of the trip staring at my book, lying on the floor. As per usual, she go the last laugh.

I get of the bus quickly and hurry to my locker. Thankfully no one unwanted is there so I grab my books.

"Hey bitch!" A voice from next to me calls and I grin.

"Gwen!" I laugh, pulling my best friend into a tight hug. "I need to tell you something!" I say and I tell her about the bus, Gwen laughs at my quick thinking and gasps at the ending.

"It was a good book as well!" I moan. Gwen pats me on the back before saying "I'm sorry babe I have to go. Mr Hadd wants to talk about homework with me or something. Meet you in homeroom."

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