Izzy's checkup

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"Alright Iz we're going to go ahead and take your blood pressure then we'll start your actual checkup" Brynn said softly as she grabbed her stethoscope from the desk making me nod

She stuck the cuff around my arm putting her stethoscope under it and started making it get tighter. I whimpered squeezing Ellie tighter as the cuff got tighter till she finally released it taking it off my arm and hanging it back up

"I know you don't like that part I'm sorry, your doing so well though hun" Brynn said softly as she warmed her stethoscope up in her hands before placing it on my chest

I took steady breaths trying to breathe normally knowing that's what she was listening for before she moved onto my lungs

"Deep breaths for me princess" She said softly

I started taking deep breaths for her as she listened to my lungs before taking her stethoscope off and putting it around her neck grabbing the otoscope.

"Just wanna take a quick look in your ears hun" she said softly before sticking her otoscope in my ear and looking through

"Are your ears bothering you at all hun" Brynn asked taking it out and moving to my other ear

"No" I reply nervously

"Ok they just look a bit red that's all we'll get you some ear drops so it doesn't turn into an infection no biggie" She said taking it out of my other ear and grabbing a tongue depressor from her desk

"Alright open your mouth and say ahh for me" She said making me oblige.

"Perfect you can close again" She said taking her tongue depressor out letting me close my mouth again before checking my eyes.

"Look up for me hun, down, left, right, perfect" she said making my eyes follow the directions she said before she hung the tool back up

She started feeling my throat and pressing down on certain areas

"Swallow for me hun" she said softly making me oblige

"Perfect we're almost done" she said softly as she grabbed the reflex hammer from the desk

She checked my reflexes before coming back and giving me a sympathetic smile

"I know your comfortable there hun but I'm going to have to get you to lay down for me" Brynn said sympathetically

"Do I have too" I whimper

"I need to feel that tummy of yours is just a lot easier if your laying down" she replied

"Ok" I reply nervously

Layla stood up laying me on the table and I looked at her with sad eyes

"Your ok izzy squeeze onto Ellie tight this part will be over before you know it"  Layla said encouragingly

I listened to her advice and squeezed onto Ellie tightly as my sister felt my stomach. She did that part fast finishing fairly soon before going to the end of the bed and pulling me to the edge of it making me nervously watch her

"Ok hun couple vaccines and we're all finished your doing so good" Brynn said softly as Layla came to the side of me and holding my arms down.

"I don't want shots" I whimper

"Nobody wants them princess but you want to stay healthy don't you" Layla asked making me nod

"Well these will help keep you healthy" she replied

I could feel my sister leaned up right against my legs as she wiped them off

"Don't hurt me" I whimper nervously

"I'll be gentle Isabelle" Brynn said sympathetically

I felt the first needle in my leg making me let out a soft whimper

"I know I'm sorry there's just 3 of them though ok" Brynn said softly as she took it out poking in another one

"One more" I whimper

"Yep one more your doing so good I'm so proud of you" she said softly as she took it out and poked the last one in my other leg

"Owie" I whimper

"I'm sorry all done ok" she said taking it out and putting bandaids on both legs. Layla let my arms go and my sister helped me sit up again

"That wasn't so bad was it" my sister said helping me off the table

"No, thank you Brynn" I say softly

"Layla if you don't mind I might have you help me with the next one too and have Jonah stay with Izzy now that she's done" Brynn said making Layla nod.

We went to the other room where Jonah was actually cornering Amara

"Sorry she's trying to run" Jonah sighed

My sister talked to Jonah and he came out with me and brought me to the sticker and lollipop bins as Brynn and Layla went into the room with Amara. I was just happy to be done

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