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"Alright so what I'm going to do is I'll do both of you we'll do one thing at a time and get through this nice and quick" Brynn said grabbing the thermometer.

We were so confused on what she meant but I guess we'll see.

"Amara we'll start with you I'm just gonna get your temperature quickly" Brynn said softly before sticking the thermometer in my ear.

She waited for the beep before taking it out and noting it down. She changed the cover and went over to Isabelle doing the same.

"This is how it'll work the whole checkup" Brynn said putting the thermometer away before grabbing the blood pressure cuff putting it around my arm.

I got a bit worried at this part as my brother used to go way too tight. I knew it had to be tight but not as tight as he used too. Brynn put it around my arm and stuck her stethoscope under it

"Just a tight squeeze hun" she warned before making it get tighter.

She noted down my blood pressure before deflating it and taking it off. She did the same with Isabelle but she gave her a bit more of a fight over it. She finally finished with that putting it away.

"Alright you guys are doing so well so far I'm just going to go ahead and listen to your heart and lungs now alright" she said softly

I didn't really mind the stethoscope she listened to my heart and lungs quickly before moving onto Isabelle. She finished that putting it back around her neck.

I found the way Brynn was doing our checkups was ok cause I was second and got to watch first even though I already knew what was happening. She grabbed her otoscope and checked Amara's ears noes and throat before coming over to me and checking mine.

"We're almost done girls we'll check your reflexes and then check your stomachs and get some blood and you'll be all done" Brynn said softly

The blood draw was the part that was scaring me the most. She checked Amara's reflexes before coming over and checking mine. I jumped off the table sitting at the side knowing she would need the whole table. Amara looked at me confusingly and looked up at my sister. She had her lie down and checked her stomach before letting her sit back up and helped her down

"Ok Iz your up" she said softly

I went and sat up on the table again and laid down just wanting this to be over with. She felt my stomach quickly knowing I didn't like this part before letting me sit up and helping me off the table

"Last part we'll go to the lab for and I think we'll get Jonah too" Brynn said

My sister my doctorWhere stories live. Discover now