Holding out for our Hero episode 24

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Holding out for our Hero

Episode 24

The Brady pub  

The brady siblings and their significant others and their children  are all around one large table at the center of the brady pub 

**Much the way they were when  Bo "died" 

Kayla - if you asked me years ago would i have thought we would host victors memorial service here at the pub , i would have said never 

Bo - yeah alot of things have changed over the years havent they 

John - thats a fact 

Roman - well you know the one thing that hasnt changed is the love between this family right here , the Hortons and the Bradys 

Have always been close and that includes all the extended family, like maggie and victor 

Hope - who would have thought aunt maggie and victor would have fallen in love.  Aunt maggie thought after uncle mickey had passed away that , that was it for her as for as falling in love again let alone marriage , but victor made aunt maggie happy again after such a great loss.

You can watch matchmaker hope having a conversation with maggie in the clips below 





You can watch hope speak with Victor in the clips below 


You can watch a clip of protective hope and jen here


Steve - and from what i saw even with just my one eye maggie broke through the greeks hard exterior and he fell in love as well.

Back in the mid 80s steve worked for victor you can watch some of 85 in the links below 



Ciara - im glad they had each other , they helped each other through some really rough times 

At that moment the door to the pub swings open 

Megan is at the door with dimitri , kristen, andre , ej and gino behind her 

Roman jumps up from his seat and makes his way to the door 

Im sorry but were closed for a private family event today 

Megan well were all family here arent we? 

Bo - goes to get up from his seat , anger on his face 

Steve- sit down brother,  roman and i got this .  Steve makes his way over to the door

Steve - puts his arm up stopping the dimeras at the door . you heard what roman said pubs closed this is a private family event.  

Megan - well some of us here are family 

Roman - now what in the hell are you talking about 

Steve - megs just likes to flap her lips 

Kristen - you should be careful steven you know all to well who your dealing with 

Steve - i may have one eye but i know evil when i see it ,  now megs take yourself and the rest of your broad and get the hell out of here 

Andre - come sister dear we will finish our business here later 

Megan - waves her hand at andre , kristen , ej , dimitri and gino like they are her servants .  Bo and i have some unfinished business you all run along home.  

Roman - you must be hard of hearing 

Steve - you know roman , i heard when you die and then your frozen like a popsicle that it causes you to lose your hearing , is that true megs , is that what happened to you ? 

Megan - very funny steven , so funny i forgot to laugh.  Now move aside id like to speak to Bo 

Roman - now listen here 

Bo -gets up , its alright let her in lets hear what shes got to say 

Megan - smirks as she walks past Steve and roman 

Roman follows megan in as steve steps outside and sees the rest of the dimera family talking outside 

Back inside the brady pub 

Bo - so what do you want ?

Megan is it possible we could talk somewhere more private 

Bo - whatever it is you have to say you can say it in front of my family 

Megan - looks around at the rest of the brady family , an evil grin spreads across her face,  well then if thats what you want 

Hope - looks at megan with a raised eyebrow, just say what it is you have to say megan 

Megan - well now frowny face you can turn that frown upside down , you are about to welcome another family memember into the brady mix 

to hear Megan call Hope “frowny face” , you can watch the clip here: https://fb.watch/lBfw79sGrZ/?mibextid=Nif5oz

Bo frustration and impatience quickly arise in bo . what are you talking about megan 

Megan - im talking about our son Bo 

Meanwhile outside the brady pub steve is staring down gino something fierce.  Steve thinks to himself i know this guy.  Where the hell do i know this guy from. 

Closing screen is a 6 way split bo, hope, megan , dimitri , gino and steve 

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