Holding out for our Hero Episode 2

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Holding out for our Hero
Episode 2

9 months after the Friday April 28th, 2023 episode has aired.

Greek Hospital, Hope is sitting next to Bos bed

To see what Bos hospital room looks like watch the clip below

Hope- come on Brady , I need you to do more then squeeze my hand now. I need you to open your eyes. Please Brady.

Angela - comes in to the room , Hope doesnt even know she's there (imo Angela is actually an angel much like in BS2)

Angela - good afternoon Mrs Brady

Hope - is startled , Angela, I haven't seen you in awhile.

Angela - I know dear, I'm always floating around helping where iam needed. And I had this feeling you needed me now. Your struggling with a decision you have to make aren't you dear.

Hope - yes , how did you know.

Angela - let's just say a little angel told me. So tell me what's troubling you.

Hope - smiles at Angela. Hope looks back at Bo. It's Bo , it's been months he's only squeezed my hand a couple times. The doctors and nurses say its just his muscles reacting something called Subtle motor phenomena
And that it's Been observed in comatose patients. But Bo he's had other visitors, our children , his sister , his father they've all been here. My hand is the only one he's squeezed. Do you think it's possible he recognizes its me or am I just wishful thinking.

Angela - no dear I'm positive that Bo can hear you and knows when you are here. I told you your hero would come back to you and he will. The sand has not run out of his hourglass yet.

Suddenly Hope's phone rings. She reaches into her purse
She glances and sees its her aunt Maggie. She turns to tell Angela she's going to take the call but Angela is gone just as quietly as she came.

To see a clip of Angela visiting Hope in the hospital from april 2023 episode watch the clip below

Hope - picks up her cell phone, hi aunt Maggie

Kiriakas mansion Foyer
Maggie- is upset , a sadness to her voice as she tries to hold back tears. Hope honey

To see what the kirakas foyer looks like watch the clip below

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope hears the upset tone is her aunt Maggie's voice. What's wrong

Kiriakas mansion Foyer
Maggie- upset tone to her face and voice, it's Victor I think he's had a heart attack. Im just grabbing some things then im going to the hospital , I wanted to be the first to tell you. Victor's visit to Greece made him so happy and he was hoping that Bo would wake up and that he'd be able to speak with him again. But now , I she fumbles for her words

In May of 2023 Maggie tells Alex Victor is going to Greece

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- it's OK aunt Maggie. I know , I understand. You listen to me you stay strong. I know what I have to do. I'll be home soon. I love you very much. You tell Victor to hold on.

Kiriakas mansion Foyer
Maggie- tears stream down her face , I'll send the Titan jet for you.

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope - ok thank you aunt Maggie. Stay strong I'll see you soon.
Hope hangs up her cell phone. She turns to look at Bo. I can't leave you Brady.

Hope picks her cell phone back up

Salem University hospital nurses station,
Kayla is at the desk when her cell phone rings , she glances at it quickly and is going to drop her phone back in her pocket until she sees its Hope. She turns to the nurse at the nurses station. Please tell Dr Horton I'll be there in a moment.

To see what the Salem University hospital nurses station looks like watch the clip below

Nurse- yes Doctor Johnson

Kayla- picks up the call ,hey Hope is everything ok ?

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- aunt Maggie called Me she told me Victors had a heart attack.

Salem University hospital nurses station
Kayla- yes he has , I'm about to meet Sarah and head into surgery now, is everything ok ?

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope - yes Kay, Bo and I are headed home.

Salem University hospital nurses station
Kayla - ok we knew the day may come that you had to head home, Steve and I have been preparing everything just as you suggested. I assume Maggie's sending the Titan jet I know Victor had mentioned it when he was there.

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- yes she is.

Salem University hospital nurses station- Kayla ok good . Listen I have to go their ready for me in surgery. If you need anything call Steve. I love you and I'll talk to you soon.

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- I love you too Kay. I'll see you soon

Hope - hangs up her phone, then picks it up again.

Victor's Greek villa - this is the home Bo took Steve & Kayla to when he kidnapped them
The camera spans the room and we can see it's been cleaned up
A phone sits on the coffee table
(This is the same table Hope put her gun down on when she discovered Bo there in April 2023)

To see what the greek villa looks like watch the clip below

The door to the living room opens with Shawn running over to the coffee table to grab it.

Shawn looks and sees its his mom and answers the phone.

Shawn-mom is everything ok ? I was just going to head up there.

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- hi sweetheart , I have some bad news

Victor's Greek villa-
Shawn - what's wrong is Dad ok ?

Greek Hospital bos room
Hope- it's not your dad honey , it's your grandfather he's had a heart attack. I spoke to aunt Maggie she's sending the Titan jet for us. It's time we head back to Salem.

Closing screen is a concerned Hope looking over at Bo in his hospital bed


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