Chapter 02: I'm Coming to See You Without Washing My Hair

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Lu Wanwan felt that her name wasn't chosen very well.

"Wanwan," translated, essentially meant "not timely," so throughout her life, she felt as though she were cursed by this name. Whenever there was an appointment, she would inevitably be late due to some inexplicable reasons that left people baffled.

Her exam scores weren't great either, and note that it was her exam scores, not her academic performance. In her day-to-day studies, she was a straight-A student, and every teacher praised her as a smart and diligent student. However, as soon as an exam came around, her performance would plummet. Every time she received her test scores, she would find herself at the bottom of the list, which was a severe blow to someone known for her academic excellence. Yet, for Lu Wanwan, she could only say, "Sister is used to it!"

How did Lu Wanwan manage to get into the prestigious Z University in China, given her track record?

If you traced it back, you would have to thank An Jiaxian.

Lu Wanwan remembered the first day of high school when she switched from the science track to the liberal arts track. The weather was just as mild, not too cold or too hot, with crisp autumn air. She woke up very early, thinking she would be the first one to arrive in the classroom. Unexpectedly, when she pushed open the classroom door, she found a boy already sitting there. He was wearing headphones, and she couldn't tell what he was listening to, but his profile, focused and attentive, made Lu Wanwan unable to divert her gaze. As she approached, she noticed that there was an English workbook on his desk. That boy was An Jiaxian, the top student in the entire school.

Lu Wanwan had always had a fondness for students who excelled academically and were eager to learn. An Jiaxian, the top student, was the one who sparked her interest. Her class was a top-tier class, but she consistently ranked last academically, which was truly a mystery that even she couldn't fathom. An Jiaxian, after becoming acquainted with her, also found it quite puzzling—Lu Wanwan seemed to have a strange aura around her.

Later on, Lu Wanwan developed a crush on An Jiaxian. When she learned that he had been admitted to Z University with a full scholarship, Lu Wanwan spent two months adjusting her mental state and took hundreds of practice exams to finally break her own curse. She succeeded in achieving a place at Z University when the college entrance exams arrived.

On the day she received her exam results, Lu Wanwan dashed all the way to An Jiaxian's house and shouted his name from downstairs. An Jiaxian was still asleep, but he came downstairs with bleary eyes and asked her, "What's going on?"

"An Jiaxian, we're going to be university classmates!" Lu Wanwan proudly exclaimed.

An Jiaxian's sleepiness instantly dissipated, and he was overjoyed. Almost instinctively, he lifted Lu Wanwan off the ground and spun her around in circles right there. Lu Wanwan still vividly remembered his happy expression.

Once they entered university, An Jiaxian and Lu Wanwan both chose the Clinical Medicine department. They attended classes together every day, and whenever there were lectures by renowned professors, An Jiaxian would arrive an hour early to save a seat for Lu Wanwan.

Yes, they had so many beautiful memories together. Lu Wanwan couldn't believe that An Jiaxian was interested in someone else.

However, this undeniable fact became clear to Lu Wanwan on the third day after she got drunk, when she received a phone call from An Jiaxian.

"Wanwan, are you together with Ren Chu?" An Jiaxian asked.

"No, no, no... How could I..."

"Well. I'm going back to our alma mater the day after tomorrow. Do you want those egg tarts at the school gate? I'll bring them for you."

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