John and Mary Winchester

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~ A year and a half after the Empty ~ (Cas is alive by the way)

Castiel Winchester, huh! he still can't believe that's his name, Cas thought as he got ready for the morning in front of the mirror.

Dean, his husband walked towards him and hugged him from behind, "Hmm... Happy 6th month anniversary baby", Dean muttered kissing Cas's neck.

Cas smiled and leaned into him, "Happy 6th month anniversary Dean, although I'm having a hard time understanding the months in between the years", Cas said and turned in Dean's arms to face him.

"Well being with you every day is a celebration for me, the past 12 and half years have been the happiest I have ever been in my life, thanks to you love", Dean said and Cas smiled and kissed him both drowning in each other's embrace.

"How about we start the morning anniversary with some anniversary sex?", Dean asked slyly and Cas chuckled.

"I would love to, but Sam and Eileen made breakfast for us specially, so we have to go", Cas said and kissed Dean's cheek before pulling away.

"That's nice of them", Dean said and the two walked out to see the happy couple arranging the table.

"Hey guys! Happy anniversary", Eileen said and Sam hugged Dean, "Happy Anniversary Dee", he said and Dean smiled.

"Thanks", Dean said, "Come on let's eat, all of you sit down", Eileen said and they did, "So Cas do you know what's happening up there?", Sam asked.

"Well, yes being an archangel and who can talk with God constantly, it's so weird to call Jack God", Cas said cutely and Dean smiled.

"Well we can call him Jack, we literally raised him", Dean said and Sam shrugged agreeing and they heard a crash sound.

All were ready with their guns and Cas standing in front of them, "Mom? Dad?", Sam said seeing who it was.

All lowered their weapons except Cas who was still standing like he was ready to fight, "Cas", Dean said softly knowing what was happening.

Cas has told him what has happened all those years when John left him, and he was really angry with John Winchester, to say the least, he was furious.

Dean touched Cas's arms making Cas snap out and move to the corner, but keeping a watchful eye on John as the boys hugged their mother.

"So what's going on here?", Mary asked as they all sat down, and Dean looked at Cas to see him still watching John.

"Cas please come on", Dean said and Cas looked at his husband his face softening, and sat next to Dean opposite to John.

"Just a celebration Mom, you know Castiel", Dean said and she nodded smiling and noticing how the two were close.

"Dad, this is Castiel, he is the angel who saved my life", Dean said, John went to shake Cas's hands and Cas reluctantly did.

"Angel, you say huh?", John asked, "Dad please don't, he's not in the mood", Sam said, "No let him Sam, let's see what he is going to do to his boys for the first time, well other than trying to kill them", Cas said and Eileen coughed and looked away.

"Cas!", Dean said, "Don't 'Cas' me Dean Winchester I have seen everything since you were born, I have seen this man leave you two in motels for weeks, I have seen you take bullets for Sam from this so-called father, I have seen your nightmares and you living it literally, do you remember what he said to you last? He said 'Kill Sam if needed', not save him, not do the right thing, but to kill the kid you raised, I have seen him go to another son and give him the life you two should have had, he thought being a hunter and being a dad isn't possible, but guess what, he just needed to show love and be a dad and being hunter wouldn't have taken it away", Cas said getting up and Dean winced.

"I have heard your cries in sleep Dean, I have sat by your bed healing your mind till you calmed down, I don't care if it doesn't hurt you, but it hurts me every day to see you in pain, so don't stop me", Cas said.

"I'm going to talk to Jack about all this", he said without letting Dean speak and left, "Cas! Castiel Winchester, you better get your ass down here", Dean said and the parents looked at each other shocked.

"Winch-", John started but Sam stopped him, "Shut up Dad", Sam said, "So you two are married? Any kids?", Mary asked.

"Not yet", Dean said, "But he's an angel, that means", Mary started Dean, "Have kids of our own? Yep", he said.

"How sweet", she said, and at the same time Cas came back and Dean sighed, "What did Jack say?", Dean asked sighing.

"The gates opened accidentally and now the angels are rounding up the lost souls, he told me to bring your parents in... after I deal with your father, of course. He would come, but he's furious with the gatekeepers so I am gonna deal with this", Cas said smiling and Dean shook his head.

"No", he said, "Just five minutes, I promise", Cas said, "Absolutely not", Dean said, "Fine, do your lovey-dovey stuff then", Cas said and moved to a corner.

"Come on baby, don't do this", Dean said, "Castiel I know you are angry with how I raised the boys, especially Dean", John said.

"Raised the boys?", Cas asked advancing on John and Dean stopped him, "I raised Dean from hell, you, John Winchester failed to raise him at all", Cas said angrily.

"Dean raised Sam, you can lie to them, you can lie to the World, heck you can even lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me, the only thing stopping me from smiting you is your son, be grateful for that", Cas said and turned.

"I don't want to do this today Dean, just say your goodbyes I want to enjoy our anniversary happily, not like this", Cas said.

"Ok, ok", Dean said, and the Winchester brothers hugged their parents bidding them bye, "Be happy, I am happy that you two found each other", Mary said to Dean indicating Cas.

Dean smiled and nodded, "Cas", Sam said and Cas touched John and Mary's shoulders and they vanished.

They waited for a second and Cas came back, but he looked different, he staggered a bit and Dean immediately held his waist holding his vertically.

"Whoa, whoa, you alright?", Dean asked, "Too many people", Cas said sitting down, "You have carried me and Sam through time, this is nothing for you", Dean said as Eileen got Cas water.

"It's nothing as long as it was just me", Cas said and Sam looked at him surprised a smile blooming on his face.

"What do you mean it was just-", Dean stopped the truth dawning on him and he looked at Cas his eyes tearing up.

"I was gonna tell you this evening, over dinner", Cas said and Dean smiled and pulled Cas in for a kiss.

"Best anniversary ever", Dean said and Cas smiled in the kiss, "Ok, you two should keep the kissing minimal considering the new arrival on the way and I don't want my niece or nephew to wash their eyes with holy water as I do", Sam said breaking them and Eileen hit his shoulder and hugged them.

Sam also hugged them and congratulated them, "Ok, we are calling Jack and we are celebrating", Sam said and Dean chuckled.

This was what he wanted a family, a loving family, and sometimes hunting with his bitch and his angel...

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