I've found others, stronger then you

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I let out a yawn as I sit by the bar. It had been a chaotic day with the duel with Loke, explaining my past to my friends who didn't believe me and of course the job which I made so much money from. As I sat there calmly the door was slammed open as Natsu, Lucy and Happy stormed in. Happy and Natsu had a grin on their face as Lucy had a heartbroken look on her face, I approach them with a smile as I wave at them. "Hey guys, how was your job?" I asked them as Lucy sighed.
"We got the book back but we didn't destroy it so we couldn't get paid." Lucy sighed as I looked at them confused.
"How much were you going to get paid?" I asked confused as Lucy sighed.
"It was going to be 2 million jewel's; you know what you could buy with that?" Lucy asked as the irony hit me of what just happened.
"Have I got some news for you guys then." I chuckled as I told them about my job and how I was paid 2 million jewel's.
The trio of mages looked at me shocked with wide eyes as I looked back at them casually. "Anyways if you need help with your rent this month Lucy I can give you the money." I smiled as Lucy pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you Ben, what can I do to repay you!" She cried as I tried squirming out of the hug.
"Let me go, you're suffocating me!" I begged as she suddenly let me go as I panted for air.
"I saw my life flash before my eyes." I joked as I panted with Natsu grinning.
"You defeated a giant spider, that's so cool!" Natsu grinned as I looked at him.
"Were you not listening? I just moved the spider away from the home, it's not that difficult to believe." I sighed.
"Yeah whatever, so foods on you Mr. rich boy?" Natsu asked as I shook my head.
"Actually I gave most of my money to Mirajane and Elfman because they're letting me stay at their place with them." I smiled innocently "After paying Lucy's rent I should have 50,000J left." I smiled as Natsu bolted for the bar, begging for free food.
I rolled my eyes as I followed him to the bar and sat down casually.
An hour went by, and Lucy was back at the job board after paying her rent, she was looking at the different jobs with shock at how many different types there were. I was sitting next to her whilst sipping on a smoothie whilst telling stories from my past...or would it count as my future in this case? It was too weird but nonetheless I continued to tell the story that was freshest on my mind which was the story about Big Chill taking control of my body. "I haven't seen them since but I'm sure they're fine." I smiled as Mira slowly responded.
"So...about the tales you've been telling us, there is only one thing I would like to ask Ben." Mira asked as she looked at me with a soft expression.
"Go for it." I smiled as I sipped on my smoothie.
"You tell these stories from when you were apparently 15-17...why are you a kid if that's the case?" I slowly ask as I look at her with a down look.
"I...I don't know...to be honest the circumstances surrounding me getting sent here in the first place are weird, but I think it has something to do with who I was fighting before I was sent here." I sighed as Mira looked at me and then gave me a soft smile.
"Okay, I believe you." She smiled as I smiled back at her.
"Thanks Mira, means a lot." I smiled as we see Loke running into the guild hall with a panicked expression as the man calls out.
"She is here!" In a scared tone as everyone in the guild except me, Mira and Lucy start cowering in fear.
"Umm...who is here?" I ask Mira as Mira giggled.
"The strongest woman in the guild." Mira smiled as a woman with deep red hair entered the guild with a massive horn on her back.
The woman had black eyes and wore what looked like a heavy armour. I tilted my head whilst I looked at her as I wondered what kind of beast she had to slay to get that big of a horn. As I looked over I saw Gray and Natsu hugging Each other as the rest of the guild acted chummy together. With a massive thud she dropped the horn in the middle of the guild. "I'm back, is the master present at the moment?" She asked as she slowly approached the bar towards Mira as the barmaid smiled.
"Welcome back Erza, Master is at his regular meeting." Mira explained as Erza looked to me with a curious expression before the mage known as Alzack spoke up.
"Mira, what is that humungous thing?" Alzack asked as Erza chuckled softly.
"It's a horn of the demon I destroyed. The villagers were so happy I decided to keep it as a souvenir." Erza smiled.
"Wont it be difficult to store?" I spoke up asking a casual question as the guild went silent at me being casual with Erza, Erza looked over to me with a stunned expression.
"Not with my magic...sorry I don't think we have met; my name is Erza Scarlet." She introduced as I approached her and held my hand out for a handshake.
"Ben Tennyson, a new member of the guild." I smiled as Erza looked towards the Omnitrix curiously.
"What a weird watch you have there." She commented as I chuckled.
"If I had a nickel for every time I heard that." I smiled.
"Wait I recognise your name; Mira mentioned it on our call earlier. Apparently you did a mission and caused no collateral damage, Impressive." Erza said, impressed cause she always causes damage on her missions.
"Thanks, it's no biggie though, turns out the spider was just a scared mother haha." I smiled bashfully.
"Still for this guild that is impressive not relying on destruction," Erza smiled as she then remembered something "Is Natsu and Gray here?" Erza asked as I pointed towards them as the duo gave me a death stare for selling out their position.
"H-Hi Erza, I'm just hanging out with my bestie Natsu." Gray said with his arm around Natsu as the two also were shaking hands.
"A-Aye!" Natsu responded as Lucy's jaw dropped to the floor.
"He's turned into Happy!" She exclaimed as I started laughing.
"It's so fake!" I laughed as the two glared at me again as Erza sighed.
"It's normal for best friends to fight, I just wish you guys acted like this normally." She sighed as I looked to Mira.
"Best friends, Don't Gray and Natsu fight all the time?" I asked as Mira drew some crude pictures of Natsu, Gray and Erza.
"Yeah but they're each other's rivals so they respect each other...Erza in the meanwhile terrifies the two." Mira explained.
"Anyways back to what I came to you two for...I have a request for both of you. You see I heard something troubling whilst on the job and it's rather an important matter...I need your help, you'll come with me right?" Erza asked as the guild erupted in shock, most of the shock coming from Natsu and Gray.
"W-What the..." Gray said stunned.
"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning." She then said, not waiting to hear their responses as she walked up to the bar.
I looked over to Mira who was also stunned at the news as she started speaking "Erza, Natsu and Gray on the same team...I never thought it would happen, but this might be the strongest team in Fairy Tail." Mira said shocked as I approached Erza.
"Hey Erza, can I come? I'm pretty strong myself." I smiled as Erza tilted her head.
"Can anyone else vouch for your strength?" Erza asked as Elfman approached.
"I can, the kid's got skill. Just this morning he had a duel with Loke and won within a minute." Elfman said with a smirk, patting my back as I also smirked.
"Hmm...Loke is this true?" Erza called out as Loke hesitantly nodded.
"M-Mhm he is a strong take over mage." Loke said terrified as Erza smiled.
"Okay, I'll be happy to have you." Erza smiled as she held out my hand and I shook it before Mira spoke up.
"May I also recommend Lucy join you? She might help keep Natsu and Gray in check." Mira smiled at Erza who nodded.
"Of course, Lucy you're in." Erza smiled.
"Anyways, Loke chilli fries please!" I smiled as Loke nodded with a sigh as he ordered me a portion, which I happily waited for.
"Hmm, why is Loke getting you food?" Erza asked as I grinned.
"We put a bet on our match, since I won I got Loke to pay for a year's worth of chilli fries for me," I explained with a grin "Though technically I have the money to pay for a good months portion from the job." I said to myself.
"You participated in a job earlier Ben; how did it go?" Erza asked, curious about the job which a Fairy Tail mage didn't cause any property damage.
"I was asked to get rid of a spider infestation but when I met the spiders I realised the giant one was just a scared mother so I took them to the forest where they wouldn't have to attack humans. The father was happy with how I dealt with it, so he paid me 2 million Jewels though I gave Mira most of it for letting me stay with her." I explained as Erza chuckled.
"That was a very kind thing of you to do Ben, both paying Mira as well as what you did for the spiders. It speaks volumes for your personality." Erza smiled as I bashfully looked away as my Chilli fries arrived.
"Nah, it's what heroes do." I smiled as I started eating my fries, as the day turned to night and I felt more and more comfortable in the guild I now called home...

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