Help me out here!

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Earth is the centre point of the multiverse. The planet has given birth to some of the greatest heroes but also the greatest of threats. With each threat the multiverse gets stronger and stronger however right now we are focusing on one such battle between heroes and villains...with one hero in particular missing.

In the middle of an Alien Spaceship a tall alien with skin like a whole galaxy and a green badge planted on its chest stood absolutely still as chaos ensued around it. Plasma guns were being fired off as a pink shield protected the galaxy like alien from being hit from a blast. As the robot readied its gun to take another shot a spike ball made of one of the strongest materials in the known universe was brought down at its head, a massive dent forming where it was hit. The person with the spike ball for a hand glared at the mysterious alien before turning his attention to another robot who charged at him. "What the hell is taking Tennyson so long?" The man growled as a laugh came from up a large tower of stares where a squid man was sitting on a throne made of the same material the metal man was made of.
"It looks like Ben won't be joining us, a shame because I wanted him to see me finish you off- well it's said he can still see in that form, but he can't do anything." The monster roared.
"Shut it Vilgax, when he gains control, you'll be sorry." A redhead woman responded with a glare as she sent two balls of pink energy to two robots, blowing them up.
"And how long will that take Ben 10, by my guess not soon enough." Vilgax responded as he clutched his golden sword with pride as an ominous smirk formed on his face.
"Just shut up already!" The metal man growled as his spike ball hand turned into a sword as he sliced off three robot's heads as well as their guns.

Meanwhile inside the head of 'Ben Tennyson' stood a human with an iconic green jacket and a watch on his wrist as he floated in the middle of space, facing towards two floating green faces. One of them with a dirty look on his face, whilst the other had a more calm and kind-hearted expression.
"If we don't do something Vilgax will kill Gwen and Kevin!" The human shouted, his brown hair shaking as he made gestures along with his words.
"I say let them die!" The male face growled, his deep voice spitting at the humans' words.
"Bellicus, we cannot simply let them die, that wouldn't be very nice." The female voice responded.
"Well Ben should know by now that he has to be more specific with his words." Bellicus responded.
"Unfortunately, he has a point Ben."
"How about we simply disable the robots then, is that a good start for you two?" Ben asked with a hint of fear in his voice.
"I agree with this." Serena responded.
"Motion Carried!" Bellicus boomed.

Back outside in the real world as Kevin was about to smash his fist into a robots face a voice boomed from the dormant alien "MOTION CARRIED!" The voice boomed as the aliens' hand rose into the sky as a wave of pure energy released from its palm destroying all the robots on the ship they were on.
A sigh of relief left Gwen's mouth as this happened, truthfully, she was running low on Mana, and she didn't want to result to her Anodite form. "Hmm it seems Tennyson is about to return, lets finish the mission before he comes back then, shall we?" Kevin smirked as he charged up the flight of stairs directly towards the galactic emperor.
"Foolish, you know you won't get far without Ben." Vilgax smirked as he raised his sword into the air as a coating of pure energy surrounded it.
"Kevin don't!" Gwen called out, her hand reaching out in worry as the Bioid slashed down at Kevin 11.
Luckily it missed Kevins vital parts...unfortunately the arm which was in the shape of a sword was cut clean off. Kevin let out a roar of pain as he held his arm, the arm slowly turning back to its normal humanoid shape and colour. "I tried to warn you and yet you still do not understand," The conqueror smirked as he picked up the still taydenite sword "This will fetch me a hefty price on the black market, though I might just mount it on my wall along with both you and your girlfriends' heads." The conqueror laughed triumphantly.

Bens eyes widened in shock as he, as well as Bellicus and Serena, watched Kevins arm get cut off. "No...Kevin no!" Ben shouted in shock as he turned to Bellicus and Serena.
"Oh, poor Kevin, he always seemed like a good friend to you." Serena apologetically spoke.
"He's not going to be much use with only one arm now, is he?" Bellicus huffed.
"So, help him, reattach the arm!" Ben demanded as Bellicus glared at the hero of the universe.
"That is way beneath us Tennyson and you know it, can't one of your other aliens reattach the arm though?" Bellicus asked.
"Yeah, but you won't let me turn back! This was all so much easier when I didn't have to deal with you two." Ben shouted back, hatred swelling in his voice.
"Ben! You don't surely mean that do you?" Serena asked.
"I mean seriously, you two only fight and when I try to leave you don't let me. How about we motion for a universe without you Celestialsapiens in it?" Ben fired back.
"You know what? Motion Carried but you're the only one going their Ben Tennyson, goodbye for good!" Bellicus bellowed.
"Agreed!" Serena teared up as a bright light enveloped Ben.

Back with Kevin and Gwen, the later looked up at the Conqueror of the universe with tears staining her eyes. "Now its your turn." Vilgax smirked as he slowly started walking down the steps when a bright light started emanating from Alien-X.
Gwen used this opportunity to turn into her Anodite form, fly over to Kevin and grab him before flying straight out of the ship. She would normally not want to leave Ben behind however he was currently in his strongest alien form he would surely take care of himself...right?

Back on the ship Vilgax was hacking and slashing at Alien-X to no avail. He wanted desperately to deal what little damage he could on his arch-nemesis, even a single scar would make this day perfect but as he swung for the final time the light got brighter enveloping the two.

The next day the intergalactic newspaper would read of a disappearance. Vilgax the conqueror was nowhere to be found, but so was the hero of the Universe Ben 10.

Slowly Bens eyes slowly drifted open as he felt his body on the cold ground, blades of grass stroked his whole body, bar his right wrist due to a certain watch. As he turned onto his back he looked to the sky, the same blue one he grew up on which begged the question how he got here? Where the fight with Vilgax was taking place, they were lightyears away from Earth so...what's weirder is he feels smaller. When looking down his body was certainly not his usual one...but also it was familiar at the same time...oh god. "I'm 10 again!" 

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