No need to worry about it

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The town of magnolia was more like a city, it wasn't as big as a city from my world, but it was still big. It reminded me most of...cant quite put my finger on it I'll remember it later. As we walk through the bustling cities we pass through a market selling various items from fruits to weird crystals and magical items. I was in amazement as I walked through the magical society, people would use these weird notes and golden coins and it was confusing yet so fun at the same time. The closest thing I could compare it to was going to another country for holiday...or when I went to space as a ten year old. "The guild hall is up that hill, past the cathedral." Natsu grinned, clearly happy to return home.
During the walk we finally passed the cathedral and as we did Natsu looked over to the graves behind it with a soft look before shaking his head and going back to paying attention to the road. "I wonder what the guild is going to be like?" Lucy spoke aloud as I shrugged.
"I don't know about guilds so I couldn't guess." I shrugged as we made it to a large wooden building with a massive sign which read 'Fairy Tail'.
The guild was massive in comparison to the buildings in Magnolia, there was at least 15 windows in the front and just under the roof was a flag with Natsu's tattoo on. "So that's the symbol for Fairy Tail?" I asked as Lucy nodded.
"Every guild has a mark, and this is Fairy Tail's." Lucy smiled as Natsu swung open the door with force and a grin on his face as we slowly walked into the guild.
"We're home!" Natsu shouted as loud as he could.
"Natsu, welcome back." A beautiful woman with long white hair smiled, she had a serving plate with beers on as she waved over to Natsu with her free hand.
"Yo Natsu, you overdid it again. I read about the Hargeon incident in the newspaper-" Before the man with two large front teeth could finish his sentence Natsu fired himself forward and kicked the man.
"You liar, that info you gave me about the salamander was a fake!" Natsu roared out as people at the table started getting ready for what was about to come.
"My...Now Natsu is back, the hall might be torn apart soon." The white haired woman giggled as I looked over to Lucy who had an awestruck look on her face.
"Oh my god, THE Mirajane in the flesh." Lucy fangirled as I looked at her with a confused look.
"Is she famous or something?" I asked, oblivious to the whole celebrity landscape.
"She is the most beautiful woman in Fairy Tail, she is on the cover of most Sorcerer Weekly issues, and she is also an S-Rank mage though no one has seen her magic in years." Lucy explained but as we went back to paying attention to the guild, the guild had erupted in an all out brawl as they started fighting.
"We looked away for five seconds how-" I went to ask as a guy only in his underwear with the Fairy Tail emblem on his chest barged past.
"Did you say Natsu was back? Hey, let's settle our fight from last time!" The man said as he lightly pushed me to the side.
"Hey, watch it!" I shouted at him, getting angry at being shoved to the side.
"Huh, who let the kid in here?" He responded as a woman with long black hair sat down near us, with a barrel next to her which reeked of booze.
"Gray, how long have you been walking around like that?" The bikini clad woman asked.
"Huh- Shit!" The man called Gray exclaimed as Lucy covered my ears.
"I've heard worse before Lucy, don't treat me like a kid!" I responded as I took a step backwards.
"Gray's just another one of those undignified guys, that I really hate." She sighed as she picked up the barrel and started drinking the booze from inside it as Gray ran up to Natsu demanding a fight.
"Tch what rubbish," A shadow loomed over us as a massive man with massive muscles and spiky white hair looked at the brawling "Yapping in the middle of the day like little kids...Fight with your fists and show your manliness!" The massive man called out as he jumped straight into the middle of the fight.
"Get out of our way!" Gray and Natsu said at the same time as they punched the White haired buff man away.
"Hmm it's so noisy here..." A man with orange hair, glasses and two women to the side of him complained.
"That's Loke, the top ranked 'Mage you would have as your boyfriend'." Lucy gasped as I looked up to her.
"You really pay attention to that sort of crap don't you?" I sighed.
"Welp, I guess I have no other choice but to join the fight, I'll win for you." Loke flirted with the two women who swooned over him before joining the fight as Lucy collapsed onto the ground looking very upset.
"My, two newcomers?" A polite voice asked as I looked and saw Mirajane looking at us with a smile.
"M-Mirajane!" Lucy exclaimed as she started fangirling.
"Shouldn't we stop them?" I spoke up as Mirajane let out a giggle.
"It happens all the time, don't worry about it." Mirajane smiled as I saw a bottle being thrown in Mirajane's direction, without hesitation I slapped the Omnitrix without hesitation as I was enveloped in a green light.
Suddenly my body started to grow, my skin slowly turning red as an extra set of arms and eyes appeared on me with my signature White and Black clothes on. "Four Arms!" I called out as I caught the bottle.
"My, another take over mage?" Mirajane asked as I looked at her.
"You alright there?" My deeper voice asked as she nodded, suddenly the guy previously only in his underwear was thrown in our direction...this time he was missing even his underwear.
"Eek!" Lucy exclaimed as she covered her eyes, without hesitation I picked the guy up.
"Go get some clothes on!" I shouted as I threw him at Natsu as they collided in a bang.
As I was focusing on throwing Gray the tall, muscular man approached me. We were currently the same height, so he looked into my eyes and spoke "You just protected my sister, respect." The man smirked as he held out a hand which I shook.
"Just helping out." I responded.
"The name is Elfman; you're alright let's fight some time." Elfman said with a smirk as I nodded, turning back into my normal human form.
"Sure." I casually said as Elfmans eyes widened.
"Woah you're a kid? I will take that fight request back then; it wouldn't be fair." Elfman backed away.
"I could so kick his ass as Four arms." I rolled my eyes as the drunken woman held up a card.
"Too noisy, I can't even drink in peace...It's time to end this." She slowly growled as everyone who was participating in the fight got ready to use their magic all at once.
"Uhh Lucy we should probably find some cover." I said quickly as a loud voice then boomed through the hall.
"Cut it out you fools!" The voice boomed and as I looked up I saw a massive shadowy giant standing there with an angry expression on his face.
"He's Huge!" Lucy exclaimed.
"He's the size of Humungosaur!" I gasped as I looked around and saw the fighting had come to a complete halt.
"Master, you were here the whole time?" Mirajane asked casually as my eyes widened and so did Lucy's.
"Master?" We exclaimed in shock as the various guild members went back to what they were doing...well most of them anyways.
"Hahaha, you all got so scared, This match is mine!" Natsu exclaimed in victory before he was stepped on by the giant who then looked down to us.
"My, two newcomers?" The giant asked as we both nodded our heads in shock.
Slowly the giant started to shrink and as he did the shadow slowly stopped covering his body until all that was left was an old man, the same height as me, stood with around 20 pieces of paper in his hand as we both couldn't believe what we just witnessed.
"Nice to meet you two, I'm Makarov the master of Fairy Tail." Makarov introduced before backflipping up at least 20 feet, landing on the banister of the upstairs section (awkwardly).
Everyone finally looked up to Makarov as he started speaking "You've done it again fools, look at all these documents I received from the council! Gray, you did good sweeping the smuggling organisation, but you then walked around naked in town afterwards only to then steal some underwear! Elfman, you had to escort a VIP but assaulted him during the mission! Cana you can't just make the council pay for 15 barrels of alcohol, Loki flirting with the council member Elder Reiju's granddaughter and a certain talent agency charged us for damage compensation too! And Natsu...destroying 7 houses, levelling a historic clock tower, burning down a church, damaging parts of Lord Lupinus' castle and destroying half of Hargeon's port is too much! Alzack, Levy, Bisca, Reedus, Warren, Visca- everyone else has damaged stuff too! The council members are getting angry at me all the time...but," Before he could say anything else the pieces of paper set on fire "Forget about the council members!" Makarov said with a grin as he threw the flaming papers towards Natsu, who ate them.
"Tasty!" Natsu grinned.
"Listen up. The power to overcome reasoning is born from reasoning, magic is not a miracle but a spirit flowing through us connecting us to nature. They will form an embodiment for the first time, you will need a strong mentality and a lot of concentration for that. I mean pouring all of your soul into whatever you do is magic. If you keep worrying about the watchful eyes of the higher ups, your magic won't move so don't feal the magic council fools and do whatever you feel is right, that's the way of the Fairy Tail Mages!" Makarov grinned as the guild erupted into cheers as the guild erupted into a party that went all throughout the night.
Later that evening me and Lucy were talking with Mirajane who was about to give us our Fairy Tail emblems. Lucy asked for hers to be pink on the back of her right hand whilst I asked for it to be on the centre of my chest and green in colour. We both looked at each other when this happened as we both grinned with happiness "We're Fairy Tail mages Ben!" Lucy exclaimed as I nodded.
"Yeah we are!" I smiled as Mirajane then spoke up.
"So Ben, what is your magic called if I may ask? It seems to be take over magic however it looks different from what I'm used to." Mirajane asked with a smile.
"Umm I haven't really thought about it, I guess it'd just be Alien Take over?" I said, not sure what naming schemes this world uses for their magic.
"So do you have alien souls then which allows you to turn into them?" Mira asked as I shook my head and held up the Omnitrix.
"My Omnitrix stores the aliens DNA then I access them by turning the dial and selecting what alien I want." I explained as I showed the watch to Mirajane as I flicked through the aliens before noticing two aliens I didn't expect...My face paled as I saw both of them.
"What is wrong Ben?" Mirajane asked as I shook my head.
"Don't worry it's nothing..." I said as I looked at the silhouette of Ghostfreak...and Alien X who looked like there was chains wrapped around his body locking him up.
Mirajane could clearly see something was wrong however she decided to drop it as I looked over and saw Natsu approaching a board with a bunch of pieces of paper on it which I decided to approach. "Hey Natsu, what are these pieces of paper?" I asked as Natsu looked at me.
"They're job requests for mages, they go up to S-Rank though...we unfortunately can't take S Rank jobs even though I am totally strong enough." Natsu huffed as I chuckled awkwardly, looking at the jobs with awe at some of them.
"Wow...Defeat a Dark Guild, slay 10 wyverns, steal a book there is so much variety!" I said with excitement to see what kind of missions I would go on as a Fairy Tail member.
"Wanna join me on this one? Then you can turn into that diamond dude again!" Natsu grinned as I sighed.
"His name is Diamond Head, not dude...but sure I'm down!" I grinned as we heard a small voice come from the bar as a kid, who looked no older then five or six, was talking with Master Makarov.
"Is my daddy back yet?" He asked with tears in his eyes as Makarov shook his head.
"You're annoying Romeo. If you're the son of a mage then trust he will be back tomorrow." Makarov sighed as he took a sip of a lager.
"He said he would be back in three days, but it's been a week!" Romeo replied, worried for his father.
"Macao is on a job at Mount Hakobe isn't he?" Master Makarov tried reminding himself.
"It isn't even that far, please go look for him!" Romeo begged as Master Makarov just got angry at this point.
"No way, your dad is a mage! We have no mage here who can't take care of themselves, go home and drink milk or something!" Makarov snapped as I flinched, feeling bad for the kid who then ran out the door upset.
As I looked over to Natsu, the fire mage slammed the job he was looking at into the request board before walking out of the guild hall with me and Happy following him.

As we started walking out of the town I decided to speak up "Natsu, you alright?" I asked as Natsu took a deep breath.
"You don't know so I'll say it once. My father Igneel, the dragon, vanished seven years ago and hasn't come back since...I don't want Romeo to go through the same thing." Natsu explained as a small smile formed on my face.
"We won't let him go through it." I smiled at Natsu who smirked back as we fist bumped as Lucy caught up to us.
"Wait up guys, I'm joining!" Lucy called out as we approached Romeo who was sobbing down the street, without saying a word Natsu put his hand on the kids head before continuing to head to Mount Hakobe.

An hour later we found ourselves riding in a wagon with Natsu passed out on the floor. I looked down at Natsu with pity as Lucy was talking about the conversations she was having with Mirajane. "And next time I'm going to go round her house!" Lucy grinned as Happy looked at the Celestial Spirit mage.
"Make sure you don't steal any underwear." Happy said casually.
"Who would do that?" Lucy snapped back.
"Apparently that Gray guy." I Joked as Happy snickered at the joke.
"Funny." Happy giggled.
"So why are you here Lucy? I was hanging out with Natsu, so I went with him naturally but what about you? I would've expected you to stay behind and befriend Mirajane some more." I asked.
"Because it's a chance. I Wanted to do something to help Fairy Tail!" Lucy said, obviously doing it to be recognised.
"Ah I see." I said going along with Lucy temporarily.
"Anyways, after we help Macao I'll have to find a place to live." Lucy sighed as I let out one myself.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about needing a place to live." I sighed as Happy spoke up.
"You two could always live with us!" Happy grinned.
"If you're seriously suggesting that I'll pull your whiskers out kitty." Lucy responded.
"Yeah I think...I'll probably look for a house to find myself." I smiled awkwardly as the cart stopped moving to which Natsu rocketed to his feet.
"It stopped moving!" Natsu cheered.
"Sorry, we can't get any further then this with the carriage." The carriage driver told us as we got off the carriage which stopped us in deep snow.
"I-It's supposed to be midsummer why is it snowing so hard." Lucy said as I got out of the cart and started shivering due to the cold.
"If there wasn't a chance of us having to fight, I would turn into Heatblast so fast." I shivered as Lucy started doing the same.
"You two really should've brought jackets." Natsu spoke.
"You're the one with the most skin showing!" Lucy snapped back.
"Then again he is a fire mage, so he probably doesn't get cold." I sighed as the cart started leaving.
"So where is Macao supposed to be?" Lucy asked.
"Up there." Natsu said casually as he pointed up the mountain.
"W-Well you can freeze to death for all I care, open gate of the clock Horologium!" Lucy exclaimed as she swiped her key down and a clock with a face, arms and legs appeared who Lucy quickly climbed inside.
"That's no fair!" I rebutted as Lucy rolled her eyes and said something we couldn't hear.
"Just transform into one of your monsters, she said." Horologium said in a British accent.
"If I do then I'll time out and if we need the strength later on we will be screwed." I replied with a glare.
"Whatever, she said." Horologium responded.

Thirty minutes later we had made it a ways up the mountain, I was very cold however I walked by Natsu which kept me warm enough. Lucy was watching from inside the warmth of her clock when Natsu called out in the middle of the snowstorm "Macao, you out here, were you done in by a Vulcan?" Natsu shouted out as a shadow above Natsu slowly got larger.
"Natsu look out, she calls." Horologium says as I activate my watch as my body starts to morph.

Suddenly I start growing in size, but not much as my skin turns blue, a long blue tail sprouts out my back and two wheels appear on my feet "XLR8!" I call out as I run up to Natsu and dragged him away before a giant green monkey swung at him, missing his attack.
"It's a Vulcan!" Happy exclaimed when suddenly the Vulcan jumped off Natsu sending the dragon slayer to his butt.
"No! She says." Horologium says with his usual calm attitude as the Vulcan presses his face against the glass of Horologium.
"Woman." He coo's however he is interrupted by my charging at him at full speed, kicking him away.
"Horologium get Lucy out of here!" I exclaim as before he could move the Vulcan grabs the clock and jumps away.
"Luigi!" Natsu calls out.
"Lucy no," I call out "Natsu, Happy, grab on!" I order as the two grabbed onto me and I raced after the Vulcan at high speeds which Natsu was oddly not motion sick about.

As we got close to the cave we heard form inside "W-Wait Horologium, don't disappear!" We immediately recognised the voice belonging to Lucy. Without Hesitation Natsu jumped off my back into the cave as did I however as I noticed the icy floor I turned back to normal and started stealthing around the shadows of the cave. "I finally caught up with you!" Natsu roared out as I saw hope fill Lucy's eyes.
"Go on Natsu." I softly said as I continued to hide in the shadows.
"Where's Macao-" Before Natsu could say anything else he slipped over and was sent tumbling into a wall when the hope in Lucy's eyes vanished.
"I'm doomed." Lucy sighed as I got close enough for Lucy to hear me.
"Lucy over here, hide in the shadows and we can get out of here." I whispered as Lucy saw me and I saw the hope reignite in Lucys eyes.
"Ben, thank god!" Lucy exclaimed as the monkey, who was currently preoccupied with Natsu, looked over and noticed me.
"Whatever." The monkey said as he focused on Natsu again.
"Why is he not attacking me, even though I'm trying to get you out of here?" I asked as I remembered what I saw at Fairy Tail earlier.
"It's weird but we should get out of here now." Lucy shivered.
"Wait...what if..." As I was trying to piece the mystery together I heard a couple familiar beeps as the Omnitrix was able to be used again "Alright it's hero time!" I grinned as I slammed my hand onto the face of my watch as my body started to grow, rocks forming all over my body as lava ran between each of the rocks.
"Wow...what is this alien?" Lucy asked as she looked at my face which was currently on fire.
"I was going for Wildmutt, but Heatblast might be better!" I grinned as I put my magma hands on the icy floor as the ice melted all at once making the floor be a thin layer of water. The giant monkey's eyes widened as Natsu looked over and grinned.
"Ben, give me some heat!" Natsu called as I smirked, immediately knowing what he was going to do I threw him a ball of fire which he proceeded to eat.
"Bottoms up Natsu!" I smirked as the Monkey started to charge at me, but I caught his hands locking us both in place.
"That tastes so weird...but good at the same time...Fire Dragons Iron Fist!" Natsu grinned as he charged and punched the monkey with a flaming fist which sent him flying into a wall.
Lucy slowly approached us as she treaded through the water. "Hey guys, I'm happy you knocked the Vulcan out, but didn't we need to find where Macao is?" Lucy asked as me and Natsu remembered that was why we were here.
"Crap," I called out as I turned back my human form "Think we should wake him up?"
As we looked over to the monkey our eyes all widened as the monkey...started to shrink slowly and lose all its hair. After ten seconds what was left was a man with blue hair and ripped clothes "Macao was taken over by the Vulcan!" Happy realized.
"Wait, Vulcans can use Take Over Magic?" I asked confused as the wall behind 'Macao' started to crumble and as it shattered.
We all gasped as we saw Macao's body fell out the new hole, without hesitation Natsu ran over and jumped out the hole, grabbing Macao as Happy tried carrying him with his wings "N-Natsu, I can't hold on forever!" Happy called out as on instinct I ran over to the hole, before I was about to jump out though Lucy called out something I couldn't quite hear as I reached out and grabbed Happy though I was only delaying the inevitable at this rate.
"Let me help moooove things along." A dep voice said as he grabbed me and started pulling me backwards, dragging Happy, Natsu and Macao back into the cave.
Looking back I see a giant cow with an axe on his back smirking as everyone made contact again with the wet floor of the cave. "I regret melting the ice." I sighed as I looked down at the unconscious mage who started to get patched up by Happy, which slightly confused me, but he was doing a good job with it, so I wasn't going to worry about it too much.
Slowly Happy's face started to get pale as Lucy spoke up "The wound on his side is too deep, we can't do anything else with the First Aid Kit we have." Lucy looked down but as she did Natsu's fist caught on fire as he placed his flaming fist on the wound, burning it.
"W-What are you doing Natsu?" I asked as Macao screamed out in pain.
"Lucy, Ben, hold him down!" Natsu ordered as we nodded and held Macao down as his wound slowly stopped bleeding.
"Woah..." I simply said as I continued to hold Macao down.
"Don't you dare die Macao; Romeo is waiting for you!" Natsu ordered as slowly words made it out of Macao's mouth.
" 19 of them...Ugh I was taken over by the 20th one..." Macao facepalmed as tears started streaming down his face.
"Stop talking, your wound will reopen." Natsu ordered again as I looked at the Dragon Slayer with awe.
Before I saw Natsu as not the brightest but right here in this moment he was doing anything and everything to make sure his friend would get through...he truly is inspiring. "How...How can I face Romeo?" Macao asked himself as Natsu's expression got angry.
"I said shut up; do you want me to punch you?" Natsu barked as Macao did as he was told before looking over to me, curious at first why a kid was here but he didn't question it.

Slowly we helped Macao down the cobble road of Magnolia, it was now slowly becoming dawn and the bustling markets had all calmed down. As we continued helping Macao through the street, in the distance we saw Romeo sitting there with a scared look on his face. Small smiles grew on our faces as we approached and the little child looked up to see his dad, rushing over with tears in his eyes.
"Daddy!" Romeo cried as he hugged his dad.
"Romeo ask those classmates of yours if their dads could beat 19 monsters." Macao smirked as Romeo nodded before looking over to the rest of us who started walking back to the direction of the guild.
"Natsu bro, thank you! You too Lucy sis and Ben Bro!" Romeo waved as we smirked, waving back before heading back to the guild, tired due to our long day.

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