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THE CODFATHER ARRIVED IN VULPESTERRA right on the dot of the agreed-upon time; thankfully, Atticus had been in the town square for about an hour by then, spending the early morning hours under the sun with a book, Thomas having traveled back once he was sure Atticus wanted to walk back to the castle.

The Codfather had walked to Vulpesterra, evidently, as he didn't arrive by carriage or horse. Atticus didn't want to think about how early the man had to wake up in order to get to Vulpesterra on time. The Codfather didn't seem tired, however, instead lighting up when he saw Atticus waiting for him outside of the library. Atticus smiled back instinctively, standing up.

"Codfather," he greeted. "I'm glad you made it."

The Codfather smiled. "I'm surprised you're the one to greet me," he admitted. Atticus shrugged, putting his book into his messenger bag.

"Who better to give you a tour of the kingdom than the king?" he teased. The Codfather chuckled softly, looking up at the library with some wonder. "Does the Cod Empire have a library?" Atticus asked, getting his attention again.

The Codfather shook his head. "No, no one's requested one. It might be nice to build one, though. I can see the appeal."

Atticus nodded, glancing at the building. It was a tall one, but not the tallest in the kingdom, with quartz pillars standing tall and holding the walls up. It had taken five years to build and had only been open for two years, but it was still Atticus' favorite part of his home.

"Come on, I'll show you through the kingdom," Atticus said. It was the whole reason the Codfather had traveled to Vulpesterra, after all; to get a tour of the kingdom he had allied with.

The Codather fell into step with Atticus, which was kind of him considering he had longer legs and could easily walk ahead. "You're still alright with me staying the night?" the Codfather asked cautiously. Atticus hummed, nodding; he couldn't wait to show the hybrid to his room and make sure it was livable for the Codfather.

"Hi, Foxling!" a child greeted, hair pulled back into a braid. "Hi, Codfather!" Atticus gave her a small wave and smile. The Codfather smiled in confusion and did the same. The girl ran off after being acknowledged, joining other kids on the street to play a game.

"Have a good day," a man told them as they passed him on the street. He said it to Atticus, likely not recognizing the Codfather, but the fish hybrid smiled anyway.

"Your people know you quite well," the Codfather noted. "They're comfortable talking to you."

Atticus shrugged. "I'm friendly with them. I know a lot of them by name, too. And because you're with me, they're going to be nice to you, too, even if they don't realize we're allies yet." Atticus smiled up at him. "They'd be friendly even if you weren't with me, I hope. You'll have to tell me if they aren't."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now