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WHEN THE FOXLING WAS SUMMONED to the farmlands, Atticus was only told that it was an important matter that he had to tend to immediately. He was not told what the issue was, but his mind immediately jumped to some of the farmland being frozen over, a problem Vulpesterra had faced in the past.

He was not expecting the vines.

Red vines, some so thick they made indents in the ground where they lay, snaked their way through the farmland, corrupting patches of crops that, once in near-full bloom, were rotted and shriveled. Atticus crossed his arms as he studied it, glaring at the mysterious perpetrator with a scathing gaze. He was tired, confused, and still worried about how fast his flowers had wilted—he didn't need to find a way to fight back whatever the hell this was, too.

"When my son sent for someone of importance, I wasn't expectin' the king," the farmer, Edith, fretted, wringing her calloused hands together. "I hope this isn't too much of a bother, but I don't know what to do."

"You live away from the farm, right?" Atticus asked, looking at the older woman. She nodded quickly. "Good. I'd say that you're safe to keep working, but please keep distance between yourself and . . . this. As much as you feel comfortable with," he added, not wanting her to take 'distance' as 'only a few inches away.' "I'll work on getting this cleaned up. And you'll be compensated for the damage to your land and crops."

The woman's eyes widened. "That's too kind, Foxlin'. I can't ask that of you."

Atticus shook his head. "You aren't. This shouldn't have happened to your land and as king, it's my responsibility to fix it. Just make sure to keep yourself safe if you continue farming." Edith nodded along with his words, casting a nervous glance at the vines, which stayed still. Atticus knew they must move fast, though, if they were able to corrupt this much farmland without Atticus having been alerted sooner.

Edith sighed, shaking her head. "Thank you. I'll send my son with a letter of the amount lost." Atticus nodded, thanking Edith for her time.

He gave a final look over the thick vines before walking away, following Edith back to his carriage while the older woman continued past Sir Thomas, hopefully headed back home for a day of rest. Atticus couldn't imagine going to his library to work and finding it covered in vines that he didn't understand the meaning of; he assumed the same to be true of Edith.

"This doesn't look good," Thomas noted, frowning over Atticus' shoulder. Atticus sighed, shaking his head.

"I have to write to Lady Katherine and the other rulers as soon as possible. I don't know what it is, but you're right—it's nothing good." Thomas nodded, climbing onto the carriage to get to the horses. Atticus got himself inside, managing to sit before Thomas took off. Atticus was sure that falling inside the carriage wouldn't do the rest of this day any wonders.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now