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WHEN ATTICUS FINISHED HIS WORK, it was barely noon, the sun in the sky beating down on Vulpesterra with an intensity that had Atticus wishing his kingdom had been built closer to the ocean, if only to be given an excuse to dive into the cool water after a long morning of paperwork.

(It was his own fault, of course—voluntarily waking up at dawn was one of his less-loved habits.)

Of course, given that the sun only warmed Vulpesterra for a few hours before the cold settled in, the typical nature of the land, Atticus supposed it was for the best that he didn't give himself a chance to freeze to death.

Atticus took the rare time of peace to tend to his personal garden—an abundance of roses and lilacs, vines that spilled over the sides of his balcony, a single torch flower in the center of the mess of nature—that the people in his kingdom could only get a glimpse of. He wasn't sure when exactly he had made room for blue orchids, but once he was done watering he realized that the space where they would go was barren, strikingly bare amid the mess.

Biting the inside of his cheek, Atticus looked up, gazing in the direction of the Cod Empire. He could just barely see the buildings of the empire on the horizon, hazy from the distance between him and them. He brushed his hands against his pants, dusting the skin of any dirt, and pushed himself to his feet with his mind made up—he would make the hour-long journey to the Cod Empire for those blue orchids, and he would not return without them.

Unless the Codfather said no. Then Atticus would leave without the flowers.

Thomas was ready for Atticus when he arrived at the carriage carrying a shulker box, though the man was always ready for Atticus to take a spontaneous trip—always telling Atticus he needed to get out more and see the world, travel to other empires and make friends with people his own age. Well, this wasn't a mission to make a friend, but Atticus supposed he could play nice if it would get him what he wanted.

Atticus had never traveled to the Cod Empire before. It was a land that bordered his own, but it had never been a priority to visit. The Codfather had never made himself an enemy, so Atticus hadn't felt the need to make himself one in return. He began to regret that mindset the closer he got to the Cod Empire; there was a decent chance that he would be turned away after making his request, if only because it was so ridiculous, and while Atticus had observed the Codfather at the House Blossom meetings, it didn't mean his assumptions of the man were correct.

"You can stop at the border," Atticus said to Thomas as the empire in front of them became clearer. "From what I hear, the land isn't big. I believe Farmer Pearl once said that you can take a five-minute walk from one end to the other."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now