A Graveyard?

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{1st Person P:LW}

Some time after the strange disassembly drone had thrown me and I had ran into the building to hide. I heard another drone and the one prior talking- they didn't seem to like each other much, from what I could tell. But it sounded like one of them had been thrown, then it went quiet. I waited a bit longer before I daringly walked out the building- well, one of many of buildings with a few crumbled walls.
Glancing around, I saw no one nearby, nor did I hear anyone- I did spot a trail of footprints- though not like I was going to follow them. Walking west, I saw a few other drones- or what remained of them as all of them had blank screens, missing limbs- some even had no head... This must be what that disassembly drone meant how he makes worker drones sleep forever.... Maybe they are in a better place now?
I just kept walking past drone bodies scattered around the place. It was very silent aside from a casual whooshing sound going through the building remains. After a while of walking, though, I saw another drone- a disassembly drone- their tail thing and other glowing bits and eyes where white tho- they had a weird hat that was like pointy at the end but it drooped down behind them, their hair was white like the stuff that covered the ground- it was pretty like the sky the other time. They waved at me- which seemed odd due to what the other one had told me earlier about the others of its kind- this one seemed friendly- I had glanced away for not even a second and when I looked back it was not even 2 feet away and it said "Hi there, Im Serial Designation Y at your service!" Y had did something weird after saying that- he put his hand infront of his visor palm facing the ground then, moved his hand out away from his visor before letting his arm fall back down to resting at his side. I'd say and asked, "Hi, Y, I'm Project Wolf- and you aren't trying to killed me?-" He looked a little puzzled when I said my name, but he responded nontheless, "Nice to meet you Wolf, and why would I?-" Y seemed to remembered something then said, "Righttt the whole being a disassembly drone.. Yeah no I don't enjoy doing that so I just take the scraps from the other's" He sounded a bit sad at the first part as he had glanced down a little before he rubbed the back of his neck a little while explaining with a small smile- he really doesn't seem bad. After a moment, I'd say "Well you don't seem bad, so anything you do?" My ears perked up a bit- which he noticed, and it just seemed to brighten up his mood as his smile grew a bit before he'd cheerfully responded, "I tend to just fly about at night, and talk to Z or T- Z tends to playfully make fun of me often tho, T doesn't talk much but he's cool to talk to every now and then" He seemed to realize something then said, "Actually T reminds me of you in all honesty- he is very different from a normal disassembly drone- but way different than you-" I was surprised by this, but I responded with "Think I could ever meet T than?" Y moved his hand to his chin thinking, a little like loading sign was visible on the side of his visor before it vanished and he said, "Yeah most likely you could- just I'd have to make sure he doesn't need oil at the time or he might try to end you but that's a 50/50 so" That didn't seem too bad in all honesty- and the fact he would ask this T about meeting me was great- I could meet more friends- I was a bit happy- which ended up causing my tail to wag a little- Y saw it and just chuckled a little, very softly tho. Then he said, "Glad you're happy to meet one of my friends" Which I responded to "He sounds friendly like you are so duh I'm happy to eventually meet him" Y looked to the sky which was getting brighter and then he sighed a little before asking "Would you by chance want to talk inside where I live?"
It took me a little by surprised but I was interested so I said "Sure" He had grabbed my hand loosely and started to lead me to a building not far off- things where looking brighter as each day passed- I really loved this new life, I hope it stays like this.

(going to note this here Z and Y have a relationship like N and V, but Y isn't inlove with Z nor is Z with Y, Z act like an older sibling to Y and picks on em)

[Project: Lone Wolf]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang