A New Friend?

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{1st Person P:LW}

When I turned around I was face to face with another drone- the thing is that they had ears like I do but they where a bit smaller and rounder.  Their visor had a hole that caused cracking of it, yet their eyes still where visible.  Their eyes where slit like and glowing a bit yellowish green was the color, they were wearing a darkish blue jacket that had fuzzy looking stuff on it- but they had it open showing off their torso for some reason- not sure why.  They also had a hat on that had 5 glowing circles on it and they also had a tail which was flicking around a bit it had a thingy that looked sharp and had a part glowing as well.  The drone was just looking at me silently- which was a bit unnerving to be honest... Then the drone said "So you must be the one who escaped that facility."  their tone sounded scary, and they knew about the bad place how?!?  I was getting ready to run which they must have seen as they said "I wouldn't run if I were you."  Which I responded to "I wasn't going to-"  I'm sure I could out run them- probably but it might cause a chase.  They spoke agein "Why did you run from that facility?  You know you angered the humans.  Which would be a bigger deal if they where still around."  It took me a little to realize that what they said ment that the people where no longer here- so I asked "What do you mean by if they where still around?-"  They responded simply "They killed themselves here."
I didn't understand so I asked "What does killed mean?"  They looked surprised for a moment- before they'd respond "It means they are no longer awake.  Now how do you know so little about the world?"  I was unsure how to answer so I just stayed silent trying to think of a reason- I must have been silent for too long as they'd speak up and say "Right your from the facility you wouldn't have learned a lot there most likely."  Their tail was slowly swaying now they looked like they where trying to decide on something to do- their hands then dissappeared into their arms which to be honest is kinda cool but..  The next second claw like blade hands things came out and their visor had a weird X looking thing on it...  They said "Your a worker drone are you not?."  it sounded more like a statement than a question.  I responded by saying "Whats a worker drone?"  I was indeed backing up a few paces for good measure I didn't really trust them.  But after I asked their eyes quickly replaced the X on their visor and they pointed to me and asked "How the robo hell do you not know what a worker drone is?"  they sounded confused, and like they didn't know what to do.  I simply shrugged.  To which they'd ask "Do you know what a disassembly drone is?."
I shook my head to which they'd walk over to me and locked eyes with me- I backed away- or tried to.  They used their tail to hook behind me preventing me from running or backing away.  They then said in a low quiet voice "Disassembly drones put worker drones to sleep forever."
I asked "Are you a disassembly drone?"  They'd just nod slowly..  I tried to back away agein to no use.  They'd say "I will not put you to sleep, it's no fun when what I hunt doesn't even know what you are.  But the others will so you better hide, and stay quiet."  Their ears twitched and they'd basically half throw me towards a tall building I just ran into and hid, my ears where down.

{1st Person The Unknown Murder Drone}

I can't believe that weird looking worker drone knew so little, yet I threw them to a building.  As I heard the laugher of Z.  Moments after the weird worker drone had ran into the building Z landed near me and said "How's your hunting going flightless?"  They call me that because unlike them I no longer have wings, which I don't really mind much.  I just responded to their remark by saying "How's your luck finding fresh oil?"
I tend to find more worker drones wondering than Z does which drives them crazy, I find it funny.  Z just said "How does it feel to be the only one left from your landing?"
I went silent my eyes narrowed into sharper slits.  Z always has to bring that up.  He saw my eye's narrow and laughed before saying "Oh what is the little cat angry?"  I just walked up to Z grabbing them by the tail and threw them, I hate when Z says I am little since I'm taller than he is. 
Z just got back up laughing before making another remark "At least I can still regenerate, and fly"  He then took off flying off somewhere with his wings.  As for me, I'd start walking off as I needed to calm down before I try to disassemble Z. 

(So sorry for the long wait and woooo we're at like +80 views in total for this book, I'll try to do more parts more often- and let me know if you think i should give Wolf a lover or not- can add some spiciness)

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