Chapter 3: Coming Out

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In this chapter I'll talk about: coming out, how to come out, and when.

Even though everyone would like to be public with who they really are, it's hard and it could be an awful decision to do so (in some cases). Sometimes things work out, but they sometimes don't. Reason why, I wanted to make a chapter related with that topic.

First off, you need to know that sometimes it's better to wait months or years to come out. Even though it's awesome to be open with your loved ones, there's a probability that you may lose your job, your family, friends, you may get kicked out of your parents' house, or by your spouse. The question of "when?" depends on the person. I can't give an answer that will work in all the cases, but I can give some examples.

If you're under 18 (or you are dependent) you should be sure that your parents (or whoever you live with) are ok with who you really are, or that they at least won't kick you out of the house. Also, if you really love someone (friends or girlfriend/boyfriend), you should be sure that they will still love you back no matter what. If they're real friends, they will accept you and love you. I'd like to add that, if you're going to date someone, the best thing (in my opinion) is to let them know. I've seen a lot of relationships going down just for that reason. But, depends if you're afraid that person isn't going to be with you for that.

The "how to" part of this is harder than the "when." Not everyone has the same life, or type of people around them. Making it hard to give a general advice on how to come out. I'd feel really sad if I gave an advice, and it didn't work out for someone. But, I'll try my best to help all of you out there.

Something that also differs is: who are you trying to tell? if it's your parents, it may not be the same as telling your friends, or partner. If you're going to tell your parents, you should be sure that it's the right moment. Sometimes is better to wait until you can be independent, just in case things don't go they way you wanted them to go. But, you should bring up the topic talking about a news article related with atheism (the growth, atheists being killed, atheists doing donations, etc.), and see how they react.

If you're going to tell your friends, you could make a post on your social network(s) (Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.) explaining when you became atheist, how, and why. You should only do this if you're not afraid of losing some friends. Also, you should let them know you're the same person they have always known. You just stopped believing in god(s).

If you feel that this chapter doesn't fit you, feel free to message me through my social networks. I'll give my information at the end of the book.

An Atheist Perspective: Life, Death, & Everything in BetweenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz