Why Me?!

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Tasha and Jones were lovers long before she married Kenny. They were in love with each other and planned on getting married and having kids together.

They dated for five years and he still wasn't ready for marriage. Each time she brings up this topic, he changes the subject quickly or simply tells her "am not ready yet babe".

She already planned her life, at what age she would get married, what age she would have her kids, but, Jones was holding her back. She was so confused about what to do until she met Kenny at a friend's party one night.

Tasha started dating Kenny when she was still with Jones and she handled the situation excellently because they never found out about each other until Kenny asked her to marry him after dating her for four months and gave her his family ring.

She was so excited and said yes immediately after all, it was a dream come true for her.

The next day after the proposal, she asked Jones to meet her at one of the most expensive restaurants in Almond City.

She could afford such a place because Gorden Kenny had already started showering her with cash she had never seen before.

She planned on breaking up with Jones, at least that's what she thought but deep down she just wanted him to see the massive diamond ring on her finger and also let him know she had a "real man" in her life who was ready to take her seriously.

"Please don't break up with me, I love you Tasha and I don't know what I would do without you," Jones said with tears rolling down his face.

"I don't have money now that's why am not ready to marry you but trust me I love you" he added, holding Tasha's hand across the table

" Stop this! You are creating a scene" Tasha said in a low angry tone while looking into his eyes.

"I waited for you long enough but now I have someone who can give me everything I want so am going to marry him" she added.

Before leaving the table, she opened her purse threw some cash on the table and whispered, Use it to pay because I know you broke.

Two days later, she became Mrs. Tasha Kenny.

The next day after her marriage, she got seriously sick and was sent to the hospital by her husband. The doctor came out to tell Gorden who was waiting in the lobby; Congratulations, your wife is pregnant.

The doctor had already informed Tasha that she was ten days pregnant.

Gorden rushed into the room to see his wife who was still lying on the bed.

"Hey sweetheart, the doctor just told me am going to be a father," he said with the biggest smile.

She could see the excitement in his eyes but she was worried, She didn't know how to tell him that he was not the father of the baby she was carrying but she played along.

Mr Kenny didn't know how long she had been pregnant for, he was just so excited to be a father.

Even tho he had slept with her to make her pregnant, it wasn't long enough for her to be ten days pregnant.

This could mean only one thing, BRUCE is not Gorden Kenny's son but rather the son of the police officer, Jones Wesly.

Mr Kenny loved Bruce as his own because he knew he was his biological son.

She kept this secret for so long until that evening when she told her husband she was going to be with her sister until Mr Kenny was ready to put their family back together.

She was angry and felt betrayed so she decided to see her secret lover, Jones in his apartment and tell him the secret she had been holding for eighteen years.

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