Gorden Kenny

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Seasons passed and time flew faster than light, Mr.Kenny had been dead for several months before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.

Long ago, the Kenny family was a part of the five founding families of Almond City. Everyone in Almond City thought highly of the name Kenny because they were good people and owned more than half of the city's wealth. They practically own the city.

It all began when Mr.Gorden Kenny inherited his father's Almond plantation which is the major source of income for their family and the city.

Maybe that's why it's called Almond City after all.

The Kenny family built the majority of schools, hospitals and other public facilities for the people of Almond City.
He and his family lived an extravagant lifestyle.

One day he travelled to another town where he met up with several investors who were interested in investing in his company. After that, they decided to have dinner at this fancy restaurant together before driving off to wherever they came from but someone caught his eye.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw this stunning lady standing in front of their table saying "May I take your order? With the brightest smile he had ever seen.

Well, I don't know if it was love at first sight but we are about to find out.

After dinner, they said their goodbyes but Mr.Kenny did not leave immediately because he had other goals to achieve that evening. So he sat in his car quietly and patiently waited for his associates to drive away.

After they had left, he went back into the restaurant to take the phone number of the beautiful waitress he had been admiring throughout his dinner and he asked her out.
She agreed so they met the following day.

During their date, he told her that he liked her and would love to be with her as her boyfriend. She replied with a big YES!! Without hesitation.

She asked herself could this be God answering my prayers?
She believed it was God because she had fasted and prayed for a rich and handsome man for over a year and that man she desperately wanted was sitting right in front of her.

"Can we go to your place after dinner?" he asked with a romantic smile

"Oh no! She replied quickly.
It's just a room and I share it with two of my friends so maybe we can go to yours rather" she continued feeling excited but shy.

They had sex, well that was inevitable.

The next morning while in bed with her, he asked her to take off with him to Almond City but she refused.

"I don't know but I think it's so quick to decide this, I mean I would love to be with you but I love this city moreover I have a good job here". She replied looking right into his eyes.

"Yeah, you are right am sorry for asking you that". He said.
Any chance I get, I will come visit and you should do the same". He added.

He handed her a bundle of 200 cedis notes and asked her to get herself an apartment. She no longer needs to stay with her friends.
He assured her he was never going to forget about her.

She believed him, like when he told her he didn't have a wife, he is from Almond City and a whole lot.
Some of which were accurate while others were bloody lies.

He got back home quickly to his family in Almond City and pretended as if nothing happened.

Two weeks after he arrived in Almond City, he got a call from his girlfriend telling him she needed to see him immediately, it was urgent.

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