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Sam's POV/ Diary

Dear Diary, my new life in America is doing fine. I've met new friends as I never expected to happen. I made to guy friends, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman. Their really funny when they do the most silliest things when I'm around. Sometimes they talk about this new game called "Grave Puncher" which I didn't understand, but they told me later on it's a video game. I even find out that play instruments. Howard plays the drums and Randy plays a piano guitar. They are very good at it. As I watch them play, I kept staring at Randy for no reason. He's really good and he already got my attention from the time he put on his piano guitar. I never thought that having these kind of friends would be so much fun.

And all that worrying that I had was for nothing important, but I do miss doing my job. But, what did the book say about the
Last time I went in it? The bad news is I don't remember, but maybe it'll come up again later. I also didn't have problems when there was no trouble at school, but I won't get my hopes up yet. Howard told me about Bashford "Bash" Johnson, who is the bully in the school, so I need to stay away of from him as possible. They told me about all the students that he knew about. I never thought that he can know EVERY student in the school. I kinda like having them around me. I also told them about how my mother and father met, how my great grandfather was in the summo wrestling team, and furthermore what I did in Japan, but not my secret. Kind of think of it. Did I say I didn't want them to know about it? And didn't want to make ANY friends in the first place?

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