A Good Start

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A week has passed now and Sam was now all comftable staying around Randy and Howard. They are now in the hallway gazing at the TV across from the hall as Howard's older sister, Heidi Weinerman, does the news on what will happen in school.

"Are hope you guys and gals are ready for the biggest event coming in a few more weeks. That's right, an annual dance party for the whole school! Why a party you ask? Because it's the 100 anniversary of the school opening. So get ready for the best party of a life time."

"Wow, a week had past and now a dance party?" Said Sam.

"Well it's a good thing thing you here, huh?" Said Howard as he nugded Sam's shoulder.

"Well, yeah."

"What, you don't like it here?" Asks Randy a little bit worried.

"No, it's just that I don't get to have company with me." Sam rubs her left side shoulder feeling a bit sad.

"Oh, come on, Sam. You have us!" Shouted Howard.

"What? Really?"

"Of course. You're kind of a cu- I mean cool girl to hang out with." Randy turned the other way, hoping she didn't hear the word "cute."

"Thanks guys. I think you're both the nicest people I ever met." Sam gave Howard and Randy hugs side to side. Randy blushes and smiles softly.

"So, does this mean we're friends now?"

"Yep!" Said Howard.

"That's good."

Finally, the school bell rings and Sam walks. Then something from her purse glow. She never used it for a while. She was about to reach it until....

"Sam! Wait up!"

She turns around and sees Randy running to her.

"Hey, where are you heading?"

"To my house. It's time to go home, why?"

"Well, I was thinking if I can walk with you. Is that OK?"

"Oh, sure. Knock yourself out."

"Cool." Randy blushes.

"Randy, are you OK?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Sam gets a little suspicious, but later shruggs it off. They start to walk home.

~During the walk~

They stayed silent for a while. All Sam does is just stare at what's in front of her. Randy just kept looking at her. He couldn't stop that for some reason. It was like he never seen a girl like her before in life. Her beautiful, long, black hair moves swiftly as the wind blew some of her bangs in front of her. She moved them back with her right hand and kept quiet. The her light, blue eyes sparkled from the sun even made Randy more interested about her. Randy just can't get his eyes off her.

"There it is."

Randy snapped back into reality and saw Sam go up her house and get her keys out her pocket.

"This is your house?"


"That's Bruce, because I live five houses down."

"Really?! Oh that's awesome!"

"Yep, you can come anytime you want if you like."

"Thanks Randy. Well, see you tomorrow!"

"See yah!"

Sam went inside her home and locked the door. Randy starts to walk to his home with a sweet smile on his face. He finally got home and went to his room and climbed on his bed. He stated into the ceiling as he still thinks about Sam. He then realize, why is he thinking about her all day, everyday? What's this feeling in him that he's really soft on about this girl? Does it mean something? If so, what is it?

Randy sighs and let the rest of the day pass by. Maybe he might soon find why he's so interested in her.

Maybe some day.

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