Chapter 11: Life in the Abyss

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Some people thought I would do something like have the girls go with him on journeys... I really don't see myself doing that. I'm sorry.

"Welcome to the abyss. Make yourself at home." Beelzebub says after presenting her more human form.

"Uh... thanks, I guess." Ash says, unsure of... well whatever was happening.

"Come now, what do you say I show you around my castle? I think you'll love your new living place. Since you know, you're gonna be stuck here for all eternity." She then says oh so casually.

"E-excuse me, what do you mean eternity?" He asked, concerned by what she said.

"What else do you think I mean? You're not gonna be leaving here."

"What, you think you can keep me down here?"

"It's not that. I mean there's no way of leaving this place."

The boy's eyes widened. "What?"

"Good gracious, you are a slow one. You literally went through a one-way banishment portal. One-way, as in, point-of-no-return." Beelzebub says while recreating what she said with her hands. "And you were foolish enough to let yourself get taken in it." She then says while bopping him on the nose.

Hearing that, Ash looked down. Was it true? Was he stuck in this place? After going through so much trouble to get home, he was taken away from it once again because he let his curiosity get the better of him. This time though, he was gonna be stuck forever with no way of escaping. The woman continued to smirk, believing he finally understood.

"No." He says which made her perk up at him. "Maybe you think that, but I'm sure there's a way."

"What? Kid, it's cute that you think that's possible, but it doesn't change the truth." She says before he smiles.

"Well, you'd be surprised by what can be possible."

"You're relying on them? They probably don't even know you're gone."

"Doubt it." He continues, making her frown. "I'm sure they'll know where to find me. I know I can trust them... most of them."

The Great Fly stared at him for a moment before shrugging. "Very well, deny all you like. But you're still stuck here with me. So, I suggest you get comfy until you get 'saved' by the girls." She says before laughing condescendingly as she steps out of the room.

Ash only rolled his eyes before following her out. As they walked through the hall, the boy was in awe at how big the place was. Sure it seemed kind of dull and lifeless, but it still looked amazing to him nonetheless.

"Like it? Get used to it. You're gonna see a lot of it." Beelzebub tells him.

"Yeah, it looks pretty amazing." He laughed for a second before looking back at her.

"I knew you'd like what I've done to the place."

"So, did you make all this yourself?"

"Why yes, I built it all myself. You'd be surprised what you could do with fabric from the abyss."

"Guess so. Still, it's impressive that you did all this on your own."

Hearing that, the Great Fly suddenly started sweating, taking out a handkerchief and wiping her face. "Yes, well... it took some time, but abyssal exile makes you seek out the weirdest hobbies."

"I don't think it's weird. I think it's neat."

"Uh... thank you." She says while blushing a bit.

Then Ash felt his stomach growl. He took a look around for a moment before seeing what he assumed to be the kitchen. He then looked down at his backpack with the broken strap and thought for a second.

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