Ch.8 - Tension

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The pair consisted of Pike and Supergirl had just re-entered into the room as the Titans took notice, the hologram of Ferlock disappeared soon after.

Kara joined up beside the others as Y/N went over at the table where Dick stood as the pair began talking.

"Where were you?" Smooching with your ex?" Kara heard a voice beside her, coming from Wally who teased her as Kara looked at him with a frown on her face.

"What?! No! I wasn't..." she began blushing at the thought, sure she's kissed him multiple times before but they were exes now.

"You were weren't you?" Rose decided to join in on the teasing for once, making Kara blush more as she began stuttering.

"I-I wasn't smooching with him! He just... Needed help with his... B-Back pain" she stuttered on her words, unable to hide her blushing mess of a face.

"Something going on over there?" Nightwing had been drawn by Kara's raised up voice, everyone had looked at the three as the clad Girl of Steel put an arm behind her back while looking down.

"They were teasing Kara about her smooching with Pike" Donna groaned after she heard everything that went down. Dick immediately looked at Y/N for an answer.

"That's... Not what happened, we had a talk... That was it" he shut the little rumor down, unamused by such predicament.

"Sure she didn't 'help' you with a back problem? That why she went to the 'back' with you?" Wally crossed his arms with a snicker, causing Pike to roll his eyes in annoyance before letting out a groan. His humor was still the same... Boring and outdated.

"Wally, enough" Nightwing ordered with a rough voice, showing authority over the matter, Wally hanged his head low while scratching the back of his head.

Kara looked back up again as her blush slowly disappeared as seconds went by, she scooted herself over, away from the pair that had just teased her.

"Well... Now back to what I was saying before I got interrupted... The matter of the situation is this... We meet up with Ferlock's contact, overview the outside area, stealth team clears out the guards before re-grouping at the entrance into the underground facility. As for the one who can scout out any hostile activity ~" Y/N spoke before his eyes glanced over to Kara - "That will be you Supergirl, you're the one with X-ray vision and enhanced vision, you'll be the eyes in the sky for us  -"

"Sorry to interrupt but who's the contact again, dude?" Beast Boy interrupted, Y/N looked at him with a frowned face but it softened after a few seconds.

He smiled upon the question... It was someone he had known for a long time, since they were kids at least... Where she was a street kid before she was took in by Master Erloni, one of the elder masters of combat, to train at the Academy before the war broke out.

"I was just about to get to her again but. She's... An old friend... Someone I've known since we were kids... Her name is Addison Athonia, I'm sure you remember her, right Kara?" his eyes focused on Kara next as she unfolds her arms.

"Yeah... I remember her. Isn't she like... A sister to you?" Kara asked with an eyebrow raised, everyone immediately looked at Y/N in shock.

"You have a sister?! Since when?" Jaime asked the Assassin after a moment of shocked silence.

"Wait, none of you knew this? ~" The Kryptonian looked at the rest, baffled they didn't know this at all - "I thought I told you all this?" 

"Technically she's not my... Blood sister, we don't share blood and no... She wasn't adopted by my family, but by another. But I consider her a sister still and I always have" he reminded them, before any questions were asked about his quote on quote, sister.

Our Hearts Never Divided: Ex-gf Supergirl x Ex-bf Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now