Ch.3 - Investigation

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Kara slumped herself on the seat she was sitting on, waiting impatiently to arrive to their destination, she let out a sigh as silence fell between her and her ex boyfriend, who was flying the ship.

She was already told off for almost pushing a button that sparked her interest, like a toddler who wouldn't sit still and behave like their told to by their parents.

She began to think many things in her head to kill time, but nothing worked, on the other hand? Y/N was actually enjoying the quietness...

Until he wasn't...

"Ugh, I can fly us way faster than this, can't this ship go any faster?!" she complained with a groan, tapping her foot with her arms crossed.

"You should be keeping an eye on the radar for anything that could pose a danger to us" he completely ignored her question, not wanting to put up with her ranting.

"So you admit it can't go faster?" she smirked before hearing an annoyed groan come out of his mouth.

"Just stop talking, you're already giving me a headache ~" he groans, earning another pout out of her - "And yes... My ship can go faster thank you very much, but I'd rather not in case someone picks us up on their radar" he gruffly explains with a quick glare toward her.

Kara stares for a few seconds before looking back at the window in front of her, taking in the nightly sky as she thinks of something else keep her occupied in her own head.

"If you're going to talk, at least ask about the mission... Or something different than a way to insult me" he spoke after a minute's worth silence, gaining her attention.

'Something... Different?' Kara thought to herself before thinking of something to ask him... Home, at least he had a home to go back to.

She twiddled with her fingers, praying to Rao she doesn't get scolded over such a simple question, feeling a little nervous to even ask him too.

"So ~" she started off - "How's.... Home? Incarnon??" she asked as she fiddled with her hair, not looking at him while asking.

This simple question was to his surprise, Supergirl actually asked him a proper question for once... In a while at least...

"Heh... For the first time you actually asked me a proper question ~" he scoffed as she frowns at him - "But... Home is-Incarnon is... Better, than it was before" he answered her question, Kara eased her facial expression to a more softer one.

"Really? Must be nice to have a home to go back to" she put on a fake smile, upon remembering Krypton along with... New Krypton and its joint cities of Argo and Kandor.

"Yeah... It is nice to go... ~" he took a glimpse at Kara who's facial expression dropped with sorrow, he looked concerned to why such the facial expression dropping - "Is there... something wrong?" he showed concern which she looked back, putting on a smile.

"It's nothing... Just thought about home... That's all" she shrugged it off, drowning her sorrow deep down to hide it.

'Krypton ~' he thought to himself, feeling a little bad for her... Since she still feels like an outsider to Earth - "It's a good thing to think back about home... Because it reminds you of the old times" he slightly smiled.

"Yeah... I guess so ~" she faked a smile after him, before a beeping sound was heard coming from the radar - "Um... There's something up-ahead" she warned, looking back at him to know if he had any answers.

"Talos" he called out.

"At your service Pike, what can I do for you?" a new voice spoke, asking him politely as Kara looked at the screen beside Y/N, showing an automated voice pattern.

Our Hearts Never Divided: Ex-gf Supergirl x Ex-bf Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now