They both have each other's heart💕

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Note; Anna isn't dead she has feelings for Dean but he isn't sure, she helped Cas and Sam find Dean when he was kidnapped by Lucifer(Just for the story)

He could feel the difference but it didn't bother him, yes Dean could feel the detachment from Anna but for some reason, it didn't bother him as much as he noticed Cas's change.

"Dude you have been acting weird ever since we found you", Sam said, "It's just... Cas has been acting a little weird ever since I came back", Dean said.

"That's what you noticed? You haven't talked to Anna that much", Sam said, "Yeah, it doesn't matter, but how did Cas find me?", Dean said looking at Cas who was looking through some books.

"Well Anna and he did, you can ask her", Sam said, "Good idea", Dean said and immediately left to find her before Sam could stop him.

"Hey Anna, I want to ask you something", Dean said and she nodded smiling, "What happened when I was, you know... gone?", he asked.

"What do you mean Dean?", she asked, "Well Cas and you have been acting weird ever since I came back and Sam said something about you two finding me", Dean said and Anna smiled.

"I thought we would be together forever and what we had was real, but it comes nowhere to what you have with Cas", she said and he looked at her confused.

"I wanted to track you and I couldn't, since Cas was also hell-bent on finding you, I used him", she said, "And?", Dean asked.

"I tracked him through his heart, I touched above his heart and found you within seconds", she said.

"So?", Dean asked not understanding, "We angels can track by touching one's hand and that's enough and if we want to use a stronger force, we touch their head and that's enough", Anna said.

"But his place for you is not his mind", she said and it dawned on Dean, "It's not possible, he is an angel, I thought... I thought angels can't feel things", Dean said backing up.

"Not like humans, but it's different for Castiel, he's more human than I have ever seen any angel become, he loves you", Anna said.

"What? It doesn't make sense, I thought... no he...", Dean said and Anna smiled, "You're in denial Dean, take some time to think about it and call him when you are ready, he will be there in a minute, why? it won't take him a minute, he loves you straight up", Anna said. 

Dean nodded and left to see Cas outside in the garden holding a butterfly in his hand and without realizing smiled, Cas can be really powerful and badass at times and oh boy has it done something to Dean.

But most of the time he's a blue-eyed cutie patootie and Dean melts in that innocent smile, but this was the first time he felt that jolt melting in that smile.

He promised in his heart that he would do everything in his power to keep Cas smiling and took a step back realizing what he had thought and immediately left to his room.

"I love him, Oh Chuck! I mean Oh god!", he said and let out a chuckle at his state, he had gone through hell, but the funny thing was he always had Cas with him, ever since he was born Cas was watching over him, just like his mother said.

"So what happened?", Sam asked entering and Dean told him everything Anna told him, "I love him Sam", Dean said tearing up.

"I have fucking eyes, Dean, I was waiting for you to realize", he said, "But I thought I loved him like a brother", Dean said.

"If you looked at me the way you look at him, I would have to talk to my therapist", Sam said and Dean glared at him.

"What Dean? Do you know something, ever since he brought you back, you have been having these nightmares", Sam started.

"I haven't been there with you the first few nights but later after meeting Castiel and all, I would wake up to you whimpering and calling out for him", Sam continued.

"I once woke up to see him sitting next to you, watching over you and when you called out to him, he immediately would come to you and started whispering these Enochian things at you and touching your forehead, and soon enough you will calm down and he again will take the position of looking after you", he said and Dean was shocked as he never knew about this.

"He rebelled for you Dean, he questioned everything, he fought, he died, he cares, he loves, he feels all this for you and because of you Dee, just think about it", Sam said and gave a little smile and left.

Dean was shocked at how much impact he had made on Cas, he knew that Cas had made a huge impact on him too.

"Cas?", he called, he knew deep in his heart and soul he didn't need to pray this time, "Yes Dean?", Cas said not even a minute later.

Dean walked towards him, close enough to feel each other's breath, "I want you to be truly honest with me", he said.

Cas looked up at him, blue meeting green, and nodded, Dean took Cas's hand and kept it over his heart.

"Do you know what my heart is beating for every second?", he asked and Cas looked at him surprised.

"For everything to be over?", Cas asked and Dean chuckled, "That would have been before I met you, but after I met you, oh God no! You put me back atom by atom, you know why my heart beats", Dean said.

"Anna told you", Cas said taking a step back, "Yeah, but you should have told me first", Dean said pulling Cas towards him by his coat.

"Dean, don't do this just because she told you about what happened", Cas said holding over Dean's hands and gazing into his eyes.

"Come on Cas you know me, doing this because she told me that? Hell, I thought you couldn't feel things, I have had feelings for you ever since I met you and it had been growing steadily, my heart beats for you Cas", Dean said and Cas looked at him stunned.

"I... I love you Cas, I have been feeling you all the time as if you are always with me, I know you are always with me, once when Sam mentioned your name in an exorcism, I thought I felt you, I know how you have been looking after me, but it's not since I went to hell was it?", Dean asked and Cas shook his head.

"You had the brightest soul when you were born and it caught my eye, you still have that brightest soul and I have been watching over you since the day you came to the World", Cas said cupping Dean's cheek and tearing up.

"That's how I found you in hell, you were still bright with all the pain, scars, and loss you've been through and that's who I fell in love with, your beautiful soul, I love you too Dean", he said, Dean chuckled and pulled Cas by his waist and crashed their lips together.

For the first time, it felt right, of all the kisses and flings Dean had, this fit, this felt more than a fling and even more than love, he felt connected deeply, like two souls, a soul and grace merging and he knew it was merged.

They pulled away both their foreheads touching, "Still beautiful, Still Dean Winchester", Cas muttered looking into Dean's eyes and Dean smiled and kissed his forehead...

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