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"Mr Potter, can you tell me the effects of wolfsbane potion?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Easy, It's a potion that helps werewolves control themselves during their transformation." James answered.

"Can you elaborate on that?" The professor asked.

"While it doesn't cure lycanthropy, it helps the werewolf control themselves and stops them for being violent."

"And what are the two other names for Wolfsbane?"

"Aconite and monkshood."

"Correct. Well done James." James smiled at the professor and Professor Slughorn continued teaching the class.

Slughorn told James that he'd be getting tutored by Regulus Black a few days ago. That means he'll probably be partnered with him for group work now that he's been transferred to James' class.

"Mr Potter, are you paying attention?" James looked back up at Professor Slughorn and blinked.

Professor Slughorn gave him a stern look and proceeded teaching.

"Who can give me a short summary of wolfsbane potion?"

A few people raised their hands but no one was really paying attention. Slughorn looked around and his eyes set on sixth-year Slytherins.

"Regulus." James saw as Regulus' head shot up.

Professor Slughorn repeated the question. "Could you give my a summary of the wolfsbane potion and it's properties?"

"Okay Professor." Regulus paused.

James noticed the way his hair fell infront of his eyes, and they way he then moved it behind his ear when he realised.

James noticed the look Evan gave him before Regulus elbowed him. James noticed how Regulus shut his notebook before he began talking.

James noticed it all.

"We'll,  wolfsbane potion is said to benefit werewolves. And," regulus stopped for a second. "It, uhm, what's the word?"

Evan whispered something to him. "Oui," Regulus started again. "It helps werewolves control their lycanthropy. It doesn't cure them, but it helps them gain control of themselves during the full moon transformation."

"Very good Regulus." Professor Slughorn said.

Regulus opened his notebook again and began writing or...drawing? James isn't sure. But whatever he did. He looked, pretty while he did it.

James should start focusing again, it's weird though, James doesn't really want to. He's happy being there, admiring Regulus. But his grades are already slipping, so he shouldn't continue with it.

James looked back at Professor Slughorn. He began listening to him as he talked about brewing wolfsbane potion.

But he took a few glances back at the younger boy, only a few.


James was sitting in the library when someone walked up to him and tapped him on the back.

James looked up at the younger boy. It was Regulus, obviously.

Did Professor Slughorn tell you?" Regulus asked.

James nodded. "We need to sort out times right?"

"Oui, uh, yes. What times are okay for you?" Regulus replied.

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