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James was walking to the Potions classroom when he stumbled across a sleeping Regulus. He had a book in his hand and his hair was covering his

Should James wake him up? He looks so peaceful there. Its almost the end of dinner and people would be coming back here soon, he wouldn't like to be caught by a professor, and what if Snivellus comes over here with his mates? Regulus might be glad that James woke him up.

James has never noticed how pretty Regulus was. He'd obviously noticed how attractive the Black family was. But Regulus looked especially pretty today.

James has never noticed how pretty Regulus was. He'd obviously noticed how attractive the Black family was. But Regulus looked especially pretty today

"Are you going to just stare at me until curfew?" He said.

"Oh, no I-"

"What do you want Potter?" he asked.

"Can't I say hello to my best mate's baby brother?" Regulus' eyes widened. "Shit, am I wrong? I just heard from a few people that you-"

"No, you got it right." He stayed silent for a second. "What's the time?"

"Hm? Oh, the time. its around 06:45." He looked at me confused.

"I wasn't asleep as long as I thought." He whispered.

"Your name is Regulus now, right?" He nodded. "That's a star, right?" He nodded again.

"Is Remus still in the hospital wing?"  He asked.

How did Regulus know that? "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"That's where Barty and Evan are. You do know that we're all still friends with him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I just didn't realize that's where they'd be." James sat down in front of Regulus. "How have you been Regulus?"

Regulus shrugged. "As good as you can be after your older brother abandoned you."

James frowned, he forgot how hard it must be for Regulus. At least when Sirius was there, he had Regulus, now he hasn't got anybody. "He does miss you y'know."

"How, he won't even look in my direction." James frowned. "The amount of times I tried to talk to him after he left, he refuses to even acknowledge me anymore." Regulus looked down.

"He has his reasons, even though he shouldn't resort to that, he's still adjusting to it all. It's only been a year and a half." James stopped himself. "I can talk to him if you want me to-"

"Please, James, can we change the subject." James nodded.

"I'm sorry i kept talking about it." Regulus looked back at James. "The star, Regulus, it's in Leo isn't it?"

"Mhm, its also the 21st brightest in the sky." Regulus said.

"That's honestly pretty cool. So you changed your first name, did you change your middle too?"

"I did, Arcturus." James smiled.

"Regulus Arcturus Black. It has a nice ring too it." Regulus smiled, just for a second, but he did smile.

"R.A.B." He said.

"Is Arcturus another star?" Regulus nodded. "You like stars then right?"

"Yeah. Sirius used to stargaze with me every night. We'd sit on the roof with a blanket and a book that shows you how to find them." Regulus didn't seem to mind talking about things like that.

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