Chapter Two: Painted Lover.

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Citrine awoke from her mediation, sprawled out upon the bed, shooting up she looked over herself. No blood, last time she was bathed in Alfira's remains. Perhaps it was just some sort of fluke. Intrusive thoughts that she took too seriously. Stretching like a cat like she yawned. She could not hear the others perhaps they were still asleep. They had agreed to move to Astarion's schedule only doing what couldn't be done at night during the day so that he may not be left from any event. The others were kind to follow in their new life style. Walking to the cloth covered mirror she lifted it, there were things she did now to make Astarion's life more comfortable, keeping windows covered, mirrors as well for he did not need to see out of his peripheral when walking passed that nothing was looking back at him. What could take her two seconds to uncover was worth him not having to not see. She hoped that among the portrait Oskar was doing she could have others done, that maybe she and Astarion would one day have a house of their own, which she would cover every mirror with paintings of him, so that he may see his beauty whenever he pleased.

Her eyes were large, iris like emerald grass fields, well one at least the other was blue speckled with amber for Volo had replaced the eye she had lost to his prying. It wasn't so bad even if she was unused to the eye it did not inhibit her vison and in fact made it so she could see those who may used invisibility to get around. A blanket of freckles covered her light olive skin, her golden hair that she had to move before sitting was a bit of a mess, the braids needed to be redone. Astarion was learning how to do them as well as how to place the trinkets in that she carried in the braids. Her braids of memories, stones, sea shells, pieces of fabric were all neatly braided into her hair usually, but they did need tending to now. Shadowheart, Karlach and Lae'zel often helped her maintain her messy mane. Perhaps when they were all back together they would sit by a fire again and do their routine or a nicer thought a house with land that they could all share. Maybe one day with tiny footsteps running around. Citrine shook her head at that thought, Astarion hadn't made any notion of wanting children, could he even? She had never had the thought of that but the idea of a child with him sounded nice. Maybe in a hundred or two hundred years. She had never heard of a vampire that had biological children, though stranger things have happened.

She covered the mirror back up, and went to push the dresser back to where it belonged. Walking to the room next door she heard the sounds of paws scratching, Scratch and Robin must of smelled her coming up. Citrine got down belly to the floor to peer under the crack, "Calm my sweet boys are the others awake?"

"No, still sleeping." Robin whined.

"I have to go check on something but I'll be back soon, I promise." She could hear the sighs of her sweet furry companions as they she the door. She was headed to the Atelier to see if Oskar was finished with the painting. The city was still partly in ruins, but people were working hard to rebuild Baldur's Gate to its former glory. Sadly though the cemeteries were over filled with the bodies of those who did not make it. Healers were doing their best to make sure no more were added to the bunch.

People did stop Citrine to thank her, some attempting to offer gifts, in reply it was usually the same to help someone they could, or give what it to someone who may need it more. She had amounted a great deal of wealth from their adventures, there was very little she could not already afford. Plans to help put it back into Baldur's Gate did cross her mind, maybe they could find the deed to Cazador's mansion, sell it, buy land somewhere and everyone could be there. No need for them to leave once everyone is safe and sound.

She was so lost in thought she hardly noticed when she arrived to where Oskar was staying. It wasn't until she heard him calling to her that she noticed where she was.

"If it isn't the great Citrine. I was wondering when you would come." He laughed as he did a rather funny looking bow. Oskar was starting to growing on her.

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