Healing Demons~ Crowley x sibling!reader

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Hey, y'all! I finished Good Omens and I am absolutely heartbroken 🥲👍 So I decided to write a Crowley x reader one-shot where the reader and Crowley have known each other for a VERY long time and are basically like siblings to one another. So, yes. It is platonic. They were both really close with Aziraphale, although Crowley was obviously closer.

It was a few months after Aziraphale left for Heaven. Crowley was heartbroken. Absolutely shredded into little papers, and no one could glue those little papers up.

Y/N had begun to move on. They definitely missed their best friend, and wanted him to come back as much as Crowley did. Okay, maybe not as much but that's besides the point.

Muriel did kindly let them stay in the bookshop, since she felt very bad that the two of them had to live in Crowley's car. Y/N ran the bookshop with Muriel as an assistant but also an equal, if that makes sense.

Crowley just locks himself in his room upstairs everyday, all day. Doesn't even come down for food. For a talk. He only comes down for alcohol or wine, and then goes straight back up again. He was an absolute mess.

Y/N decided it was enough. He needed to talk about his feelings, as much as he didn't want to. It would help him. It would probably help the both of them.

Y/N knocks on Crowley's door, as a warning that they were coming in. Without a response, they slipped into the room and closed the door behind them. Y/N sat on a box across from where Crowley was sitting on the bed.

They wait a few seconds before taking a breath and speaking.

"I understand how you feel, Crowley. We got Aziraphale taken away from us. I was upset, and angry. But I was mostly upset. I thought I would never move on...but I have."

They decide to risk walking over to Crowley, kneeling in front of him and taking his hands in theirs. They didn't care if he didn't look at them, they just wanted him to listen.

"I'm not asking you to let go. I'm just asking you to move on."

Crowley didn't like having anyone next to him while he was like this. They were making him nervous.

He felt uncomfortable and the demons inside him got more aggressive. (Demons being metaphorical of course. Think of it as the old, more happy-ish Crowley, fighting the depressed and angry Crowley that was trying to take over)

He looked at Y/N, but didn't see them, he only saw his own demons.

"I don't know if I can move on." He said, slowly shaking his head.

He looked away from them.

"I don't want to think about this right now. I just... It's so hard."

Y/N sighed. "I know it's hard Crowley, but it's not impossible."

"Y/N... Don't."

He didn't want to look at them. His own personal demons were there, and they weren't very nice right now.

He thought about the situation and it made him angry again. And he was a bit scared. If he lost control of himself, if those demons took over him...

His voice raised slightly.

"I need some space." he said, more sternly than he intended.

Y/N stood up. They knew what was happening. Whenever they were overwhelmed with a negative emotion, their demons were all over them. And theirs were worse, even life threatening, because they are a powerful demon. Crowley's weren't too bad but they could still do some harm.

"It's your demons, isn't it? They're coming back?"

His eyes locked onto theirs, looking at them like a predator.

He seemed like a very different demon right now, not like himself at all.

He was acting on instinct and he didn't have control over his actions at this moment.

"Leave me alone." he growled, and his voice was deeper and scarier than usual.

"I'm going to get you through this, whether it hurts me or not." Y/N said.

"I don't want you to help me..." Crowley could feel his demons getting more and more furious.

He felt like he was going crazy. The room started rumbling.

"Stay away!"

He snapped at them, almost hissing. His tone got more threatening, as if he was about to do something terrible to them.

But he didn't want to do anything horrible, of course.

Y/N stood in the same spot, unfazed. They were scared of course, but they wouldn't show it.

Showing fear only made the demons get more powerful. This demon has been very slowly eating Crowley up for the past few months. If they wanted to get rid of it, they had to show compassion.

"Crowley, listen to me! I know you're there! Come back, please!" They shouted, over the rumbling of the room.

Crowley could hear them, he just didn't want to listen to them.

He was not in control. His own personal demons were in control right now. And they hated that Y/N was in the room.

He let out a low growl, like a snake ready to strike, and he slowly started to move towards them.

"Get away..." he hissed.

Y/N stood their ground. "No."

He got closer to them, threateningly. It seemed like he might jump on them at any moment.

"Leave now!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the room.

He didn't want to do anything horrible but he lost control over his own actions now and he really didn't know how far he might take this. 

Y/N took off their glasses, showing their demon eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, Crowley."

"I don't know what I'm doing!" Crowley shouted.

He was panicking now, he was scared of himself.

His demons seemed to feel the same way.

"Stay back, Y/N!" He warned them.

There was one demon in him that wanted to protect Y/N but the others were ready to hurt them. He tried to stay back but they pushed him forward, towards them.

Y/N didn't stay back. In fact they did the opposite. There was limited time to think, so they did the only thing they could think of.

They rushed towards him and pulled him into a big, tight hug. A hug they haven't shared in years.

Crowley didn't resist, he didn't even think of pulling away. As soon as their bodies touched, he felt himself calming down. He wasn't thinking anymore, he wasn't angry.

A smile appeared on his face and he wrapped his arms around them. It was the perfect way to tame a demon.

Y/N made him forget his demons and his problems. He felt at ease.

Y/N pulled away after a bit and looked him up and down.


He looked at them, his smile growing even wider. He was back to normal, and he realized what just happened.

He couldn't believe it himself.


He couldn't say anything else. He was just happy to be himself again. Just happy to be there with his sibling.

"I missed you." he whispered.

1,199 words

I'M BAAAACK! This might've been the longest one-shot I've made so far, I'm really proud of it! :D
Sorry if the whole "demons" thing didn't make sense lol.

Anywho, I'll see y'all at my next chapter. 🤗🖖💙❤️

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