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Hamilton and Jefferson were fighting. Surprise, surprise. No one ever really bothered to step in and stop it, because it would only make things worse.  But a certain amount of pressure was building up on the two men, and this would have been the last straw if it had not been for a certain amount of help. Help from a portal, that opened right under their feet. It was huge! It devoured the two men, and the crowd, which included Madison, and Philip.

Once they all woke, Hamilton noted that they were in a grassy area. But, it didn't look like anything he knew. He decided to stand up and walk around a bit. He was shocked to see the area around him. It was a whole new world. "The hell you looking at, Hamilton. Wipe that stupid shocked look off your face." He heard Jefferson say. "I think he has a good reason to be shocked. Look around." Madison responded. Jefferson just scoffed, but did as told. There were huge poles with wires, things flying in the air. It was like a fantasy. Or a fever dream. "What's that sound, father?" Philip suddenly asked. It was the barking of a dog. Which grew louder and closer. Jefferson turned around and was met with a huge beast leaping towards him, knocking him down and licking all over his face. "What off of my you mutt!" He shouted. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, he got out of his leach." A woman said running up to them. She glanced at them. "Are you going to the festival?" She asked. "What festival?" Philip responded. "The festival celebrating the 1700s of course! And all the important people in that century." She responded with a smile.

Jefferson looked at her up and down. "Why are not wearing a dress? What even are you wearing?" He said. The woman looked offended and silently hooked up her dog and walked away.  "Did you see that?" Madison asked. "Yes. She was wearing atrocious shoes. And what the hell even was that coat?!" Jefferson exclaimed. "I think Madison means what she said about celebrating the 1700s. Open your eyes, Thomas. We clearly aren't home anymore. In fact, we're far from it." Hamilton said.

"Maybe we should go into town and ask people?" Philip suggested. "It would be risky, son. I do not like the feeling this place gives me." Hamilton said, while shuddering.  "Yeah, I know. We should go somewhere safer. I think..." Madison suddenly stopped, looking into the distance. "What? What is it?" Jefferson asked. "I believe the young Hamilton may get his wish about going into town." Madison said hesitantly.

Philip pushed over and looked where Madison was looking. They were right next to a small downtown. It looked so weird. There were carriage-like things, but with no horses. He saw people walking while looking at a little rectangular thing in their hand. And these things, held up by poles that changed from red to yellow to green.

He couldn't decide if he was in a dream or nightmare. It felt like both. "There was a time I would have called this place a nightmare. And this would be my only wish. But now, I'm not so sure." He said. Hamilton patted his son's back. "Well, Philip. I guess we're going into town." He said.

A/N: Hey guys! I hoped you liked this. I totally didn't write this at 4AM...
I know chapters have been really short, I'll try to make them longer, I swear! Have a great day/night! 🖖🤗

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