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It has been six weeks of singles' activities, mimosas in the morning with Lorelai, conversations with Elias that last late into the night, and lots of unbelievable sex—and life at the Evermore Manor has taken a turn toward pretty damn good

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It has been six weeks of singles' activities, mimosas in the morning with Lorelai, conversations with Elias that last late into the night, and lots of unbelievable sex—and life at the Evermore Manor has taken a turn toward pretty damn good. Granted, we haven't found the killer, but they've laid off the bloodshed since the night they butchered Tyler. The only thing missing is a little time to myself.

If I'm not with Elias, Lorelai seems to be around. I'm surprised I get a chance to take a shower alone. Although, that's not always the case either. The desire to have eyes on me at all times is understandable. I'm still an infant to this world and learning new things about the beings that live in it every day. For instance, there are seven circles to hell and each demon has an affinity to one of the seven deadly sins. Sprites are not called sprites at all, they are kobolds. When they are in their natural form, they are so small they can't be seen with the human eye, but their glow can be seen from a mile away. It's all so fascinating to me, but I have no clue how I would deal with the killer if we came face to face.

But a girl needs some me time to gather her thoughts, especially when a man consumes most of them.

I snuck out of the room I share with Elias just before dawn. The house is already buzzing with the staff preparing for breakfast, arranging the endless spread that covers the dining room every morning. I greet each person with a smile and have brief exchanges with those I've come to know by name before slipping out into the garden.

The early morning rays cast statues and exotic flowers in a buttery glow. A gentle breeze blows in from the sea, carrying a sweet floral scent fused with fresh salt. I slide my hands in the pouch of my hoodie as I stroll the cobblestone path. This stolen moment of solitude is just what I need.

I wonder what my mom and dad are doing right now. Well, my dad, I'm certain is asleep, but my mother is probably awake doing Hades knows what with her little ghost hunting group on FaceTime. They're always planning their next adventure, and now I want to know if any of them are actually paranormal creatures themselves.

Is my mother paranormal at all? My dad didn't say, but I assume she isn't or else I wouldn't be human at all. I file that question away as something to ask my dad the next time we meet in one of my dreams. I hope it's soon...I need to learn how to call out to him so I can see him whenever I want.

I'd also like for him to meet Elias. I think he'd like him. The vampire thing shouldn't be so hard to swallow now that I know my dad is paranormal too.

Stop, Cordelia, a little voice says in the back of my head. Just because he's fucking you seven ways to Sunday doesn't mean he has real feelings for you. There are people who can handle casual sex, ya know?

Yeah, I know...I'm not sure that I'm one of them after this little fling with Elias. I am certainly catching real feelings for him. I just can't tell if he feels the same, or if it's part of the ruse.

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