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"Good morning, singles

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"Good morning, singles."

I drag my gaze from my plate and to the head of the table where Clayton has taken over the role of master of ceremonies. He isn't nearly as animated as Felix was. In fact, the house steward might be the blandest being I've ever met. He isn't prone to smile and steers away from any attire with color; both practices do little to improve his grayish, sagging skin. Not that I'm surprised; ghouls are not known for their shining personalities.

"Today's scheduled activity is designed for those of you who have made a physical connection with a fellow attendee."

Lorelai nudges me with her elbow and wiggles her eyebrows at Cordelia. I can hear her thoughts as if she is speaking them out loud.

This activity is for you, big boy.

It doesn't matter if it isn't. I have to start participating with Cordelia or my best friend will think I'm not taking this seriously.

She would be wrong.

I'm completely invested in this event, but not in the way she thinks. I won't rest until I know who killed Felix and why they have turned their sights on Cordelia.

"You are asked to wear workout attire with shoes that can easily be removed." I snap my attention back to Clayton as he continues, saying, "Couples will meet in the ballroom at eleven for this hands-on tutorial on how to give a sensual massage."

It takes every ounce of my inhuman strength to keep from rubbing my temples. My hands on Cordelia. Her hands on me. There is no way I'm surviving this activity without getting an erection.

I chance a glance at Cordelia and she's already looking at me, her cheeks flushed, and goddamnit I can smell her blood flowing warm through her veins. It was both heaven and hell sleeping next to her last night. Actually, I didn't sleep at all after our shared dream. I just held her, either running my fingers over her delicate collarbone, or staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell I am going to do if all my suspicions are true.

"You okay, Elias?" she asks, leaning over and placing her hand on my leg, sliding it over my inner thigh and squeezing.

I rest my hand on top of hers, stopping her from going any further. If she finds that I'm sporting a semi just thinking about this event, I might walk out into the sun and set myself ablaze.

"I'm great. This event sounds fun." I flash a toothy smile, praying it looks natural. "I'm excited to finally participate in a day event with you."

Lorelai pats me on the back and stands. "This is going to be so much fun. I've been looking forward to witnessing the chemistry between you firsthand. Get those fingers warmed up, Cora. Our boy's got some meaty biceps."

Cordelia intertwines our fingers and thankfully stays away from my zipper before her eyes dart to Lorelai. "Wait, I didn't know you'd made a match. Who are you bringing?"

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