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"No, Lorelai

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"No, Lorelai. I'm not coming to the pool."

"Why not?"

"You know why," I growl into the phone, annoyed at having to stretch all the way across the bed to reach the old-fashioned rotary phone that rests on my nightstand. I thought I was done using these things in the 80s.

"Oh, fuck. Your sun rash. I forgot," she groans, shame filling her voice.

I just woke up from a glorious dream in which I was exploring every curve of Cordelia's perfect body, so I'm in a decent mood. Therefore, I'll let her carelessness slide without giving her a hard time.

"It's all right, Lore. I'll have dinner with you and Cordelia later."

I practically hear her eyebrows raise through the phone. "Cordelia?"

Grinning, I click my tongue. This is the perfect time to tell her, but I decide to keep her in suspense until she can see the two of us together. "You're nosy, siren."

"Forgive me for wanting to know what my—"

A light knock sounds at my door and I take this opportunity to cut her off. "Sorry, Lore, gotta go. See ya later, have fun today."

I get to my feet and throw on my robe, wrapping it around my naked body before answering the door. And thank the goddess this is a thick terrycloth robe because for fuck's sake...I have an instant fucking hard-on as soon as I see who's behind it.

Seeing Cordelia from the window in this rose gold string bikini was nothing compared to seeing her right in front of me now. It should be considered indecent for a woman with a body like hers to wear so little. She could cause a person to experience whiplash or stumble over their own feet. It is impossible to concentrate on anything but the way the triangles cup her breasts or how the high cut of the bottoms sits on her round hips. When she opens her mouth, I think she speaks, but I can't be sure. She may have caused my brain to malfunction.

I shake my head and rip my gaze from her exposed curves. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Are you coming to the pool today? The event should be fun. We're learning how to make our own signature drinks," she says with a bright smile that is as stunning as her body in the bikini.

I hate turning her down, but I know it's necessary. A day lounging in the water could do me some good, but the sun...I could temporarily cure my reaction to it and join her, but it's not a door I want to open. Not when I'm struggling to hold it together around her.

And that's more to the point. I cannot allow myself to get close. Not when I've already accepted my fate and not when I have no business attempting to find what I've always been searching for in a human.

"I actually have plans to stay in today."

Her face falls and even though I hate it, I force myself to keep my stoic, unfeeling expression.

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