The Clones - Bose O'Brien S1P2

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This is a rewrite of "Attack of the Clones" and is a continuation of the first Bose one shot, Secret. Just a quick recap, Bose is actually super-smart, only pretending to be dumb, and Chapa knows his secret. This story starts when Schwoz and Ray are upstairs with the clones.

3rd Person POV:

"Take a look around, Schwoz, " Ray said contentedly. 

Schwoz did as he was asked. The Man's Nest was now occupied by himself, Ray, and the clones of the Danger Force kids. 

Clone Miles was in the corner, shaking with his eyes closed. Clone Chapa was making some dinner, clone Mika was trying to read a book, and clone Bose had his head in a bucket.

"Uh, what am I looking at?" Schwoz grimaced. "This is worse than when the kids are actually here!"

Ray frowned, spinning to look at them. "Why aren't they doing the right stuff, Schwoz?! They are supposed to help me!"

Schwoz peered closer at clone Miles. Everyone knew that Miles was very brave, yet his clone couldn't bear to look at the rest of the room. 

Suddenly, it came to him. "I know! I must have used the wrong type of milk when I cloned them! You see, when cloning, you are supposed to use clone milk, but since I didn't..."

"What?!" Ray exclaimed.

"They are the opposites of the kids! That's why clone Miles is a coward, clone Mika can't read, clone Chapa is being nice and..." He trailed off. 

Bose was really dumb. But why would his clone, who was supposed to be his opposite, be doing the same things he normally did?

Schwoz approached clone Bose. "Bosey?"

"Schwoz?" Clone Bose's voiced echoed in the bucket he had stuffed his head in. "Is that you?" 

"Can you tell me what your superpower is?" Schwoz questioned.

"Uh..." Clone Bose thought for a second. "Nope!"

"Ho-kay," Schwoz mumbled. "I need to call Bosey."

He snatched his phone off of the desk, pressing Bose's contact information. The phone rung for a second, then Bose's voice came through the phone.


Schwoz gasped, wide eyed. The boy in the Man's Nest was clone Bose! Something was going on, and Schwoz didn't like it one bit.

"Hey, we are almost back. About five minutes, I think," Bose informed him.

"Uh, ho-kay! See you then, bye!" Schwoz frantically hung up.

Ray looked at him impatiently. "Is that the real Bose? The one in the Man's Nest?"

"I... I don't think so," Schwoz admitted. "The kids will be back in a second, though. We will ask him then."

Ray nodded, satisfied. They both waited in silence, jumping slightly as the tube alert went off. 

Danger Force came up the tube, running to Ray and Schwoz.

"What happened?" Mika shouted. "Is everyone okay?"

"We're fine," Ray said, looking at Schwoz in confusion. 

Mika frowned. "Bose said you guys needed help."

Schwoz glanced at Bose, who was looking at his clone with wide eyes. 

"Uh, everyone else except Bose, please leave the Man's Nest," Ray commanded.

"Why?" Chapa asked.

"Just go!" Ray yelled.

The kids shuffled out quickly, shooting Bose pitying looks. Once they were no where in sight, Schwoz spoke up.

"Bosey, do you have something to tell us?"

"Uh, no," Bose mumbled. "I don't."

"Oh, really?" Ray questioned. "Because your clones are supposed to be opposites of you. And your clone somehow acts just like you do."

"I don't know why, if that's what you want to know. Maybe my clone is different," Bose said, backing up a little. 

"Or maybe it's not different at all." Ray advanced on him. "Again, do you have anything you want to tell us?"

Bose's POV:

Oh, no. They were going to figure out my secret! Ray would probably sell me out to the rest of Danger Force in a heartbeat! Of course, Chapa already knew, but I could trust her to keep a secret.

"Uh-I-no," I stammered. "I-I gotta go."

I ran for the door, but it was locked. Ray and Schwoz stepped closer to me.

"Bose, we aren't going to hurt you. We just want to figure out what's going on," Schwoz said.

Yeah, right, I thought.

"Please, Bose. We will help you," Ray promised. 

I stared at them for a second, contemplating my options. I could tell them, try to find a way to escape, or knock them out and hide. 

Anything but the first option sounded fine to me.

"Bose, come on," Schwoz pleaded.

Maybe they could help me. I couldn't help it and gave in. "Alright, fine. I'm super smart and only pretend to be dumb so no one will suspect anything. My dad was the same way, and the government captured and murdered him. Long story short, I'm trying not to be kidnapped and killed. Happy now?"

Schwoz and Ray stared at me with open mouths. I felt my eyes filling with tears. They were going to sell me out to the government. I was going to die.

"Oh, Bosey," Schwoz whispered. "Come here."

He pulled me into a hug. I shook with sobs, needing someone to comfort me for once. I finally pulled away after a while, staring into Ray's eyes. Eyes that held so much compassion and sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Bose. I promise, we are not going to sell you out to the government." Ray said softly.

"You really mean that?" I sniffled.

"Of course," Ray smiled. "You don't deserve a fate like that."

I smiled weakly, rubbing my eyes. "Thank you."

"Well, maybe you could help me around the Man's Nest if you want," Schwoz shrugged. "I could really use your brains to improve stuff around here."

"Really?" I whispered, excited. "I have so many ideas! Also, I know why most of your inventions failed. I'll tell you all about it later."

Schwoz looked more than happy about it. "Great!"

"Uh, Bose," Ray started. "Does anyone else know?"

"Um, my mom knows, of course. And Chapa too," I admitted.

"Chapa?" Ray repeated.

"She found me in the middle of a panic attack and helped me through it. The story just kinda came out after," I explained. 

Ray nodded, taking in the information. "Why don't we watch 'Genuine Moments?'"

"Yes!" I shouted excited. "Let's go!"

I plopped on a beanbag, already comfortable. I couldn't be more relived that Ray and Schwoz had accepted me for who I am. I also knew that the rest of Danger Force would too. In time, I would tell them. They really were the best teammates I could ask for. 

Hello! Sorry the ending was a bit rushed. Please check out my new Six of Crows one shot book!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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