A New Hero (Request) - Henry Hart S5

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A rewrite of the end of the episode "A New Hero." Basically, Kid Danger gets infected by the virus and Captain Man helps save him. 

Henry's POV:

I dodged a spit ball, sliding to my knees. I tried to escape, but there were too many of them. I got behind a ladder, preparing to climb up to safety. 

I saw some goop hit my gloves, and I frantically tried to get it off. I pulled my gloves off, dropping them on the floor. 

One of the viruses advanced, launching spit balls at me. I backed into the corner, realizing that it was a terrible idea to let myself be cornered. I was so dumb sometimes.

He sneezed, spit coming straight at my face. I held my hands up to protect myself, but I didn't have my gloves on anymore to protect me.

I shook my hands, trying to get the spit off, but it was no use. I slammed into the wall, and the antivirus fell out of my pocket. Dang it! I was infected by Rick Twitler's virus and I had lost the cure! I twitched as the world went dark.

3rd Person POV:

Captain Man shouted out as he saw that Kid Danger had been hit by a virus. He ran to Henry's side, but he was too late. Henry had turned into an evil virus. 

"Kid!" Ray cried out.

Henry sneezed, a virus ball hitting Ray on the arm. However, Ray couldn't be infected because he was indestructible. The Henry-virus advanced on Ray, punching him in the gut. Ray doubled over in pain for a second, then stood back up as it faded. 

Henry snarled, kicking and punching Ray where ever he could. Ray just stood there and let it happen. He did not want to hurt his sidekick, but was fine with his sidekick hurting him. 

Eventually, Kid Danger The Virus got bored hurting Ray, and moved to stand next to the other two. Ray would never admit it, but Henry's hits really hurt. The kid was getting much stronger and better at fighting than when he started all those years ago. 

Captain Man faced the three viruses. He didn't want to do it, but it was necessary. He snatched the antivirus off of the floor. He punched the first two viruses, knocking them to the floor. 

"Sorry, kid," he whispered.

Ray punched Henry in the face, feeling guilty as his sidekick dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. 

He carefully unscrewed the cap, then poured the antivirus on the three evil viruses. 

He watched as they all trembled, the green color fading from their skin. Ray crouched by Henry, who was back to his normal self.

"Kid?" He questioned. "You okay?"

Henry blinked, groaning, and sat up.

"R- I mean Captain Man- what happened?" Henry asked, squinting.

"You got infected by Rick Twitler's virus," Ray explained. 

"Di-did I hurt anyone?" 

Ray hesitated, which Henry took as a really bad sign.

"Oh, no!" He exclaimed, burying his head in his hands. "No, no, no!"

"Hey, kid, it's okay." Ray put a comforting hand on Henry's shoulder. "I'm indestructible, remember?"

"But I hurt you," Henry mumbled. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You were an evil virus; you had no idea what you were doing." Captain Man said.

Henry looked up, his eyes glossy with tears. "I could feel what the virus was doing. I was really hoping I wasn't hitting you."

"It's not your fault," Ray said. "You couldn't of done anything to stop it."

"I'm sorry," Henry choked out again.

"It's not your fault," Ray repeated. "Remember that, kid. I'm not mad at all. It only hurt for a second."

"You're really not mad?" Henry said hopefully.

"Of course not." Ray assured him. "Come on, we'll head back to the Man Cave. I'll even let you eat some of my ice cream."

Kid Danger cracked a smile. "Can I have some chocolate ice cream?"

He knew it was Ray's favorite flavor, but regardless, Ray replied, "Sure. Just not all of it! I need some too!"

Henry grinned mischievously, quickly standing up, then darted out the door. 

Ray ran after him the entire way back to the Man Cave, screaming, "Don't you dare eat all m'cream!"

Thanks for reading!

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