Toddler Invasion (Request) - Henry Hart S3

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Rewrite of the episode "Toddler Invasion." Only Henry passes out from the gas.

TW: PTSD, claustrophobia, panic attack

Henry's POV:

Ray and I walked into the Man Cave, chatting about shampoo. I stopped suddenly as I spotted a giant gift basket with candy, a card, and a giant stuffed bear.

"What is that?" I whispered to Ray.

"I dunno," he said, walking over to inspect it. 

He read the card. "Looks like it's from the Dixie Chicks!"

"No way, man!" I exclaimed. "We have to call 'em to thank 'em!"

"Can you do that?" Ray asked sheepishly. "I've got something to take care of."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed, but replied, "Sure, big dog."

I headed over to the Man Cave computer, stating, "Call Dixie Chi-"

I was cut off as a weird ball emitting smoke was thrown at my head. I looked around nervously, wondering who threw it.

I felt a burning in my lungs. Coughing, I covered my mouth. I tried to grab the smoke bomb and throw it away from me, but I couldn't hold myself up anymore, and fell unconscious.  

3rd Person POV:

The Toddler shouted out as he emerged from the giant teddy bear. 

"Well, well, well," he cackled. "This is Captain Man's secret hideout!"

"Toddler!" A voice exclaimed.

The Toddler whipped his head around to see Captain Man, standing over Kid Danger. 

"Wh- You're supposed to be unconscious!" The Toddler pouted.

"Yeah, well, I'm not," Captain Man said, stating the obvious. "What did you do to Kid Danger?"

"I gassed him! He'll be out for a while," the Toddler grinned. 

Captain Man frowned, bending down to check Henry's pulse. Thankfully, he still had one. 

Schwoz suddenly walked in, wearing bunny ears on a headband. "Hey, can only girls wear these bunny ears because-"

He gasped, spotting the Toddler. "You're the Toodler!"

"It's the Toddler!" He snapped. "But yes, I am."

"He gassed Kid Danger," Ray said, standing up. 

Schwoz gasped again, then hurried to the computer. He pressed a few buttons, sending an alert up to Junk N' Stuff.

"What did you just do?" The Toddler questioned, pointing at stun gun at him.

Schwoz yelped and ran out of the room, leaving Ray to fight the Toddler on his own. 

The Toddler chuckled, approaching Captain Man. "Have fun watching, Captain Man."

He stunned Ray, who fell to the floor, a shocked expression on his face.

The Toddler laughed, then gathered his equipment to start his terrible experiment, Kid Danger unconscious and Captain Man stunned.


Henry gasped as he woke up in a giant easter basket. 

"Oh, look who's awake!" The Toddler said.

"To-Toddler," Henry panted. "What did you do?"

"I gassed you! And stunned Captain Man!" He explained. 

"Kid!" Captain Man exclaimed, no longer stunned, but trapped in a hot box. "Kid, are you okay?"

"Fine," Henry lied. He was actually still feeling the effects of the gas, feeling drowsy and drained of energy.

Captain Man gave him a look, like he knew Kid Danger was lying. 

The Toddler cackled evilly as he pressed a button on a remote, creating an invisible barrier around Henry's easter basket.

Henry tried to escape, but whenever he touched the barrier, he felt a burning pain spread throughout his body.

The realization that he was trapped in a very small space suddenly hit him.

Henry's POV:

I gasped, trying to get out of the basket, pounding at the invisible barrier, even though it really hurt to do so. I started hyperventilating. I couldn't be trapped. I couldn't!

I had never told anyone, but I had PTSD from being buried alive by Brad all those years ago. Even the tubes were a problem for me, but I had eventually gotten used to them. 

"L-let m-me out!" I wheezed. 

"Kid?" Ray questioned.

I sank down to my knees, trying to control my breathing. 

"Toddler! You gotta let him out! He's having a panic attack! I'm the only one who can help him!" Ray shouted.

The Toddler hesitated, saying, "No! I need you in my hot box!"

"Please," Captain Man begged. "He's gonna die if he doesn't get enough oxygen!"

That was technically a lie. I would only pass out, but the Toddler didn't need to know that.

The Toddler bit his lip, and thankfully let down my barrier and released Captain Man from the hot box. 

"Hey, kid," Ray said, rushing over to me.

He put my hand on his heart. I felt his steady pulse, hearing his deep breaths. 

"Copy me," he whispered.

We breathed together, my panic attack eventually stopping. He pulled me into a hug, and I sobbed on his shoulder. 

"It's okay, kid," he said gently. "I've got you."

"Uh, I'm just gonna go now," I vaguely heard the Toddler say.

He went up the tubes, screaming the whole way.  

"The Toddler," I whispered. "H-he got away."

"That's okay," Ray breathed. "I just need to make sure that you're okay."

We stayed like that for a while, enjoying the hug. Ray eventually pulled away and I wiped my eyes.

"What brought on the panic attack?" Ray asked.

"Uh, small spaces. Even since Brad buried us alive, I've had PTSD." I explained.

"Oh Kid. I'm so sorry," Ray said.

I gave him a small smile. "Thank you for getting me through it."

"Of course," he whispered. "I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Ray," I said back, pulling him back into a hug.

Thanks for reading! And thank you to @1034412FD for this request.

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